
Jack Stauber's Micropop

"What do you want with me?"

Name TerraShroom
Nicknames Terra
Age 22
Gender Non-Binary Neopronouns
Pronouns They/Shroom/Grass
Height 6' 2"
Birthdate July. 29
Species Creeper
Sexuality Polysexual
Job Resource Gatherer

Status Not For Trade
Designer Mawz
Worth $15

Terra never really fit in with any of the other creepers. They were all aggressive and hateful loners, and Terra was the opposite, always looking for the peaceful option and needing friends by their side to support and to support them. So, shroom left. Luckily, they found shelter in an old building abandoned by players but they had to gather their own supplies.

It was a tough and lonely few years but they made do. Grass decided to leave and explore what was out there one day, so they packed up what they had scavenged and left. Players often attacked shroom, thinking they were a hostile creeper, but so far they were able to survive in the world.

One say the came accross a city were they heard rumers of a docile mob selling supplies. Grass was overjoyed to find another like them, and imediatally went to go a meet the enderman. Froyo took Terra in as a resource gatherer to help keep up with the growing demand for supplies, and the two have been good friens ever since!