Martina Yamada



2 years, 5 months ago


Art credit:

  • Name: Martina Yamada
  • Age: 39
  • Birthday:
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity: Latina-Japanese
  • Gender: Cis woman
  • Sexuality: Lesbian
  • Pronouns: She/her
  • Eyes: Yellow
  • Hair: Ginger (bleached, natural colour dark brown)
  • Skin tone: White, pink undertone, tans easily
  • Body type: Muscular
  • Special features: Muscles, geometric tattoo on arm
  • Colour: Peach, red
  • Power:
  • Positive traits: Calm and collected
  • Negative traits: Lazy, trollish, loud
  • Preferred clothes: Sporty, easy to move in


Martina was was the last child to be born in the Yamada family, but her little sisters were adopted a few years after her birth. The family lived contently together until Martina's mother Luciana got sick. Her health declined and she eventually died when Martina was 19. Mom's death hit Martina's father, Daisuke, hard and he fell into deep depression. This caused the family to fall into chaos and Delano and Antonio, the two eldest, were struggling with the sudden new responsibilities they had to carry. Seeing this struggle, Martina taught herself to cook so she felt like she was doing something useful for her family. Antonio seemed to cope with his new role well, but Delano started to act out. The elder brother started to stay out late god knew where, doing all sorts of illegal stuff. This caused a lot of arguments between the two brothers, which eventually escalated to the point that Delano punched Antonio, breaking his nose.

That evening was the last time Martina saw Delano for a long time.

Delano leaving the family seemed to shake Dad from his stupor, and he started to seek help for his mental health problems. Slowly, with the help of Mom's little sisters Aunt Valeria and Aunt Florencia, the family climbed up from the slump they had gotten into. The siblings finished their respective schools and sought their professional degrees. Antonio got a degree in accounting and Benjamin went to med school. Martina and the twins weren't sure what they wanted to do with their lives. Martina tried bodybuilding, but quickly found that she hated the restrictive diets she would have to be on while building muscle. Until one day, Martina found an old ramen restaurant for sale. With Dad's help, Martina bought it and started to prepare for opening her own ramen restaurant, while learning Dad's best recipes and developing her own. Eventually the restaurant (named Yamada's Family Ramen) opened successfully and it is still open and doing moderately successful business today.

Small factoids

Martina doesn't have a degree in cooking or business. Martina taught herself to cook and Antonio does the bookkeeping for the restaurant (for free food). Daisuke also helps out a lot on the bureaucratic side of business-doing. Martina is really only interested in cooking and developing new recipes.

Daisuke, Martina, Sara and Stella still live together. They live upstairs of a ramen restaurant that Martina and Daisuke own and work at. They have a spare bedroom in hopes that they some day find Delano and convince him to move in with them.