Sona- Allium



2 years, 5 months ago


Note: If not specified otherwise, please draw his deercorn form in the primary references tab

Name: Allium
Nicknames: Ally,

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / They / Ender
Sexuality: Queer, Asexual

Species: Deercorn
Specific traits:
-Garden Soil (Alliums in his mane)
-Power Cable (Android – Visibly affects his legs)
As a Deercorn Allium is able to shapeshift into any other creature, however his alliums stay and his legs will always be animatronic.
His main form if not Deercorn is either Humaniod or more Anthropomorphic, though he’ll do anything

Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Going on walks/hikes
Job: Plushie Maker
-He likes to make and sell plushies for people, he'll semi-customise them but bases them off of his clients vibes

He gets incredibly anxious, especially in bigger crowds or around those he doesn’t know, but if you’re patient with him, he will warm up to you. He can talk about some subjects for hours but will also happily listen for hours as well, though sometimes he much prefers the company of animals instead.

-Allium sometimes goes by other names, usually just because he doesn’t always want people to know he’s a Deercorn.
-He loves to visit his local farmers and interact with the Bokkin, they’re just simple creatures and he enjoys that they are just there, vibing.