


8 years, 10 months ago


Name: Jin - Kyong (bright truth)

Age: unknown

Hobby: eating steamed buns

Likes: eating , steamed buns, eating, sleeping, eating, floating.... did i mention eating?

Dislikes: being hungry, food taken away, plants being harmed

Personality: hungry, child like in curiosity and single mindedness, strong willed, 

Backstory: She was the spirit of an old sakura tree hidden deep in the forest of a rich familys land. when the owner of the land died a young death before a proper heir could be decided on his illegitimate son took control. The oldest of his illegitimate sons that is. too keep his competition from challening him he had a plot of land set aside. This land included the sakura tree. he had some of the land buldozed to errect a home for his half brother to live at. knocking over the sakura tree. Unbeknownst to him the tree held a spirit named Jin-Kyong. When her home was knocked down a small leaf sprout from the ground. The house was built on top of it. eventually the half brother moved in. one day he heard a strange bell sound. he searched and heard it under ground. he pried open the boards and saw the little leaf. He decided he wanted to save it so he got a shovel and went to dig it out. Then he discovered something shocking. connected to the leaf was a head to that head the body of a girl! in shock he quickly dug her out. he took her to his room has his friend (female) clean her off and redress her. He first let her drink some water. she moaned but didnt wake up. His friend returned with some steamed buns from the main house kitchen. she woke right up. It was the first real food she had to eat and she was hooked. Now she works trying to convinve the half brother to fight for his rightful spot as the heir to take back the old land and help preserve it <3 she spends most of her time floating around eating, napping or being lazy. She springs to action when she feels another plant is in danger often crying over a simple flower being stepped on. (who could blame her though <3 ) she is only seen by those she wants to see her or who have the eye.