Kek (A dumb AuRa named Logos)



2 years, 4 months ago


For art references mainly, but I guess I can post her background too...

I'm a wretched being too!...

(Laura Vall)
Alpha & Omega

A hideous monster, far beyond saving!


{A memory by the wayside...Long discarded and forgotten}

Once upon a time, lived a very humble human that only took what was needed to survive, and what was taken out of necessity was mourned accordingly. They lived with a modest family within poverty, however a happy family regardless. When the child human turned adult, a ritual was held in honor of the occasion.

T'was a grand sight to behold in the tiny rural village, festive and colorful. For as small of a village it was, it was a village full of mages. Powerful ones at that, almost to the point of all-powerful. However, due to a non-aggression pact with many neighboring countries, that power was left to rot or hone depending on who you asked. Everything you could imagine was conjured for this auspicious occasion, flames, flowers, a gentle wind, water that tasted like the finest wines.

However, it was not to last...

{Blood, Blood, Blood}

In the middle of the festivity, a brigade of villains crashed the ceremony of the Magus: a sacred rite of passage only 1 in 100 children are able to undergo. T'was a rite that only happens every twenty years, a rite of the chosen if you would. The dastardly villains were, of course, not all that they seemed. They were hired and augmented by a powerful nation set on destroying this family of mages. If they could not be swayed from their neutral stance of non-aggression, nor controlled outright, they must be destroyed. And destroyed they were, all but one lone child was spared by this cruel fate. Forever scarred and bitter. If naught of the curse of being locked in the scared site, they would have been able to face the fate of their brethren. For better or worse.

{Why must you persist?}

Wayward, the child now a grown woman as dictated by the ceremony, wanders the devastation. Swallowed by despair and anger. Every fallen brethren she faced, the more her dark feelings grew. 'Why us? Why this massacre? What is this?! WHY? WHY?! WHYWHYWHYWH--' Her darker thoughts are only interrupted when she stumbled across with her immediate family. Cold, unmoving, and stark white. Almost the colors of the bones that jut out of the mortifying wounds all of them bear. Not even her littlest sibling was spared the horror.
Something broke that day. Everything was a blur. Everything was non-existent. Everything was DEAD.


And so goes decades of wonton killing and bloodshed. At some point in her wanderings, she encounters a demon and makes a pact. She remembers very little of how she obtained such power, other than the faintest of feeling she killed an older lady with a strange circle-like stone? in her forehead. She does however remember the fight with the demon: He appeared out of nowhere above the corpse she just slew and proceed to say a lot of nonsense about how her soul was the most sublime feast he has ever come across.
She beat the voidsent within an inch of his life, to the point of the proud demon pleading for his life.  After that, she cared naught, and the memory fades.

{You know it's only a matter of time till you...}

She remembers precious little after that time. there was a vague feeling that she completely bonded with the demon she now employed, to the point where they could merge with no repercussions. She was non-bothered by the screams and pleading of her victims, only pausing when the fiercest of heroes came to stop her madness. She did not understand. She did not understand! Where were all these self-proclaimed heroes when her family was in jeopardy?! Why can't anyone understand the s̵̨̝͍͍͚̼̬͍̈̀͒̉̽̿̆̆͝ͅu̸̧̡͓͉̗̥̠͎̱̹̼͖̾̏ͅf̷̢̣̞̣̲̌̿̆͐́́̆̐̈̀̔̆͘͠͝f̴͙̠̩̹̲̾̒̎̍͋̓͘͠͠͝è̶̡̛̗͙̍̿̍̅̑́͐̑̉͗̚͘r̴̨͈̭̤̫͉̝̝͇̱̯̖̘̰̀̆͋̄̏͐͛͗̐̈̑͜͠͝͝---g 1 ฬєภՇ Շђг๏ยﻮђ!?
Her swirling darkness was a beacon to be destroyed, many thought. Many tried. Many failed. Only one was spared. He challenged her again and again, and she spared him again, and again. She remembers naught why. Maybe it was the demons unsatiable hunger. Maybe she remembers by-gone days in this Magus. All she knew, is that she looked forward to their fight, time and time again. Her taunting, and his stoic silence.


Even that memory was eventually swallowed by her insanity. Perhaps she was bored of the whole game, but at some point, the hero she spared was no more. She slew him with her reaper's weapon in the end. Once there was a glimmer of hope that she would be felled, but now it was extinguished. She has completely fallen to the darkness in her heart, and for it: ever more powerful. The demon in her rejoiced, for he, and her, have never tasted such power before.
She sees very little in life but refuses to end her bloodline in respect of her own deceased, she once thought. As it struck her, the haze of her insanity lifted for the briefest of moments. 'I cannot die without a successor to carry on my lines magicks...' Immediately after the thought, her mind thought of the hero magus that she crossed weapons with and winched. The first human emotion she had in a while: Regret.

{*Gasp* There is...*Wheeze* N-no other...way...}

With this goal and the very raw and forgotten emotion in her heart, she set off to find an inheritor to her bloodline secrets and perhaps...Just...perhaps a means to defeat her.

...That is if they live through the horrors that is Logos.
