Kaiser Jaeger



2 years, 5 months ago


Nathan "Kaiser" Jaeger | he/him | College aged young adult | Dog shapeshifter | Bisexual

Originally an old RP character that I'm trying to upcycle into a main character for an eventual comic. His backstory kind of varies until I settle on the rules of the world he belongs to officially.

Kaiser is a German shepherd shapeshifter. In his human form he has his dog ears, tail, and feet, though his feet can fit in some shoes. He can freely shapeshift to his dog form which generally is a fluid and transformation. Inside of his mind he gets taunted by the monster form who tries to convince Kaiser that the monster form is the real him. The monster form can give and withhold strength which Kaiser is generally reluctant to accept, as it allows the monster form to gain more control over him. It tries to get him to let loose and will take him over in a berserk rage when he's desperate or extremely angry. When the monster form breaks loose, it's a slow transformation that also makes subsequent normal dog shifts slower until he rebuilds a tolerance.

Kaiser is in a setting where he fights against demons and monsters. He likes to fight as he feels like it's the best way that he can make a positive impression on others if he's doing something that can be perceived as good.

Loose backstory is that he struggled with becoming a shifter as a child and other kids and shifters would make fun of him because he had his dog feet permanently (which is extremely unusual). Kaiser would lash out and in general be a huge nuisance which stressed out his mom enough to leave and caused his parents to divorce, with his dad becoming a non-functional alcoholic afterwards. He feels like everyone's perception and memory of him has been negative and wants to do something good to at least give them something positive if it's the deed he does vs him being good.