
2 years, 5 months ago



 name   Leo 

 age   16 

 gender   male 

 pronouns   he/him 

 height   5’10 

music player
song title
artist — album name


Leo has always been a sweet and kindhearted person, it’s one of the things his classmates and even the teachers all love about him. He’ll be there if a friend needs someone to lean on for when times are a bit too tough, if they need help with their schoolwork, or even random things like “which of these outfits do you think would look good if the sun ever stopped existing?”. In addition to bring a great friend, he’s also a great boyfriend(in Hisao’s opinion, it’s basically fact now) towards Hisao, who he holds close to his heart. He always knows just how to relax his boyfriend, whether it be with snuggles, small kisses, or helping him fall asleep when it got a bit too tough for him. While he’s normally quite gentle with Hisao, he isn’t afraid to get more stern with him when it becomes necessary. More specifically, when his precious boyfriend is overworking himself again or he’s managed to get sick once more. When Hisao is sick or overworking himself, it seems like he becomes the most stubborn person in the universe, and that’s when Leo gets him to rest, one way or another. If convincing him or gentle massages doesn’t work, he won‘t hesitate to drag his tired boyfriend into his bed. Leo truly cares about the boy he loves, he can’t stand watching him drive himself into the ground with how tired and sick he can make himself, but he can’t lie, Hisao’s drive and determination is one of the things he truly loved about the boy. Taking care of him makes Leo happier than he had ever felt taking care of anyone else, and he knows he couldn’t have chosen a better boy to fall in love with, he wouldn’t even dare to think of such a thing. He may still be young, but he knows he’s found the one for him, and he knows his boyfriend feels the same way about him.

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 designer   username 

 creator   username 

 worth   $$ 

 code  ziico