Wheatley's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use



- redesign the character! I just ask they're still recognizable! and please keep me as designer credit for the original design!

- alter colors!

- change the gender or species of the character!

- use for your personal stories, animations, games etc!

- rp as them IF you own them! do not rp as characters i've designed if you don't own them

- buy my designs for a friend! or include them in 3-way trades


- edit my original work!

- buy a design of mine just to immediately resell them :[

- remove my T.O.S. from here!

- use my designs for NFTs, or train AI on them.

- sell the character for more than you bought them for UNLESS they come with additional art you paid for.

- please don't delete my designs off of TH :[ i like seeing them

- make hate art using my designs

not abiding to these rules will result in a blacklist and also i will release the hounds on you