


2 years, 4 months ago



Name Wren
Designer h4lcyon
Gender Female
ObtainedWon in a free contest
Significant Other None
Rules Species rules
Species Floravit

RoleWandering spirit



Wren's dream is to cease dreaming. Cursed with a wandering soul, and an unquenchable desire to follow dreams impulsively, she's struggled deeply with controlling her reckless whimsy. She's found herself in harms way frequently in following her heart, and finds it hard to attach logic and forethought to things that drive her passion. After hurting herself and others in her abandon, the mere concept of dreaming is associated only with anxiety. If she had it her way, she would never dream at all. She's convinced she'll be content with her setting without such thoughts to lure her away.

She struggles to see the now, often finding her mind drifting off to the possibilities, to the point of neglecting the present in favor of a future that's whimsical or even downright absurd at times. Though she is aware of this issue, and does her best to combat it, it's as natural to her as breathing to get invested in things with a gracious ease that she doesn't always realize she's been distracted by her own wandering eye in the moment. Her interest in exploration and boundless curiosity for the "could be" is a perpetual looming threat to her actually completing anything.

In her past life, someone she cared about deeply was harmed by her distracted nature, and she's never forgiven herself for it, and this acts as the tether that bids her to keep wandering the world. Believing, firmly, that controlling her wistful mind will free her into some form of peace. 

Achieving this, however, is a different beast, and she struggles with it substantially. She hasn't really found an answer to rein in her thoughts, and convincing herself to stop chasing something that already makes her happy isn't easy. She instead chooses to shut herself off from others, isolating herself in solace in the punishment she feels like she deserves for her lack of self control.

Her drive to do more, to see more, to be more, and explore the world around her is a powerful one, so much so, that it overrides her logic, to her reason's disdain. 


  • She loves swans
  • She passed away at 19, and is stuck at this age. 
  • She loves to sing
    • The "loved one" she harmed was herself. She can't forgive herself for 'causing' her own death, keeping her from the life she could have had. She does not, however, remember that this is herself, only that she brought pain to someone important to her. The lack of knowledge of who or why or how does plague her greatly. 

In her human life, Wren was the daughter of humble tailors, and one of many children. Largely ignored by her large and busy family, she was often getting herself into danger by innocently wandering into harm's way. Eventually, meeting her end was inevitable, and her mortal life was cut unfortunately short.


  • Flowers
  • Snow
  • Calm music
  • Exploring

  • Guilt
  • Thunder (it scares her)
  • Feeling helpless
  • Hurting anyone or anything

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
