Drac the Bat



2 years, 8 months ago


Name "Drac" the Bat
Species Holiday Animatronic
Age ???
Height 6'3"
Gender Male?
Pronouns He/They/It
Orientation ???
Relationship Status Halloween
Occupation Jumpscare Machine
Theme Song

Status Alive
Designer Pybot
Worth Unknown


A nervous holiday specific animatronic who got abandoned and his only friend is a very vengeful 9 year old who possess him occasionally.

Function: His function, along with three others who are to be designed, were “holiday specific” animatronics nicknamed the Holidays. These animatronics were outsourced cheapily and was used as a way to stimulate guests into visiting Freddy Fazbears Diner outside of birthday parties or events, but holiday seasons too! Drac, of course, is a Halloween animatronic. His function is to simply “startle” kids within range of his sensors and those who don’t fear him get candy! (But he has been caught sneaking candy to skittish ones as well) Similar to how the scariest house on the block has the best candy- same function as Drac. However, he kinda just uh, regurgitates candy instead of handing it out so it’s still a bit horrifying. Which he has a pouch stored inside his suit for this exact purpose. Drac also has significant flexibility as an animatronic and is rather light weight (and fragile) which he uses to his advantage by hiding around in the diner for unsuspecting kids to stumble upon. It has even been said he can even fit inside the vents. His only way of speech seems to be “Happy Halloween!” and “Trick or Treat!” and has no other prerecorded messages but has a rather responsive AI despite his limited vocabulary.

Downfall: The cost of maintaining animatronics that weren’t always seen or being used (AKA, making money for the company) was affecting the diners bottom line. Or at least, it was an easy corner to cut in Fazbears eyes. Soon, the Holidays were simply left as is and dragged out as decorations rather than working animatronics as they deteriorated. Some where even reprocessed into new machines or animatronics- all except for Drac who remained the same. Broken and distorted as ever- making him more terrifying to children and the perfect Halloween prop. Even attracting the attention of young teens too. However, unknown to the workers of the diner, Drac was indeed still functional. He was simply waiting for an opportune time to “scare” a child who approached him but all were too scared so he never flinched and just appeared out of order. Except for one frail child by the name of Helen. It is unknown how it occurred but the little girl Helen did trigger the animatronic to reactivate and instead of notifying employee’s of the suddenly moving prop- followed it to it’s old storage closet and was found dead in it’s arms once her parents noticed her missing. Because of the other alternative diners having similar freak accidents involving animatronics and children getting hurt- Fazbears Diner immediately denied ever having holiday animatronics and swiftly dumped Drac and the remainder of the other Holidays and their parts into deep storage- simply wiping them from Fazbears books but not quite having the commitment to destroy them. The idea of reusing parts and saving money was much too appealing. The death of Helen was interpreted as she simply fell down the stairs and bled out before help could arrive because of her SCD. Drac was sealed away with her blood still on his vest and the mangled parts of his Holiday friends encasing him.

Currently: It wasn’t until Helen possessed his body from her blood seeping into his suit did he escape, using their combined “weak” strength to equal that of a normal animatronic. Drac, filled with remorse for “killing” the only thing in his program to protect and entertain vowed to protect and help Helen by keeping her inside his suit and to not let the “adults” hurt them ever again. Helen, taking advantage of her predicament- proclaims to “cure” her death by trying to find the cure for the disease that ultimately killed her. Her method of searching for a cure? Killing and taking the blood of those who are healthy to fix hers. Drac is not interested in stuffing anyone into a suit but is interested in having someone bleed dry if it’s someone deemed healthy enough by Helen’s standards. He doesn’t seem to comprehend he is seriously injurying anyone but doesn’t quite grasp the difference of getting a sample of someones blood and gouging them. Helen, however, does; and doesn’t mind much of whatever the consequences are for her goal. Only those who seem to have some kind of sickness (even that of a simple cough) are spared from Helen's blood mania. Or those that participate in risky behavior like smoking or drinking and “tainting” her cure. She’s a pretty brutal 9 year old.

Despite their vested interest in eachother, they do argue and fight over control. Drac ultimately has control of his body but she can resist him and make him completely stagnant. It’s easy to tell when she takes control as his mouth becomes unhinged and he doesn’t emote at all. You will also hear his voice merge with that of hers..