Emily / Emmy



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Height - 185

Age is unknown, but for a many-year-old woman she looks young)

Race - The Supreme Angel

A rabbit with a cross between a deer

Orientation - straight

Loves his ducks more than people.


mallardduck.gif- Emmy is a belligerent rabbit obsessed with justice and ducks. She longs for the world to always be light and there was no darkness that would try to disrupt the order. But because of the respect for the head of paradise and his policy of balance in the world, she has not yet got rid of hell.

- Because of her, paradise is overflowing with ducks and geese. They are literally everywhere.

- The rabbit has a serious character, but in fact she is a good and sweet nature.

- She used to be considered a spy from hell because she has a formidable character and horns. Which was not natural for her. But character is okay, and horns are just a genetic glitch.

- Someone started rumors that she could pull out her soul with just a glance and send it into oblivion. Which is why many are still afraid of her.

- The number of wings can be different from 3 pairs to 1. they may also not exist at all.

- Does not possess magic, but is still a member of the paradise council.
