♡ War Leader Flurry ♡



2 years, 8 months ago


- Flurry -

Flurry is or at least was the beloved 'princess' of Cadence and Shining Armour. They came out as Nonbinary to his parents quite young. But was never really believed. Simply told it was a phase which would go away when they got older. This caused them to be quite lonely and reserved for a few years. They hated feeling like he couldn't be who he wanted to be with there parents telling them it was a phase. One day they decided to cut there hair really short and dye it dark purple. This was his way to rebel and surprisingly it worked. 

Currently Flurry is the War Leader. They where originally supposed to be the Princess of love. But refused the title and instead gave it to Aelia. As she fit it better.

Note- Flurry is nonbinary and only uses they/them/he/him pronouns. He also will only use either male or non gendered terms. Mainly using male terms.