


2 years, 4 months ago



"Braids will take forever to dry..."

Ydaho is one of the Ila Pack snappers.

She is most commonly seen around the Rim, where she fullfills her guarding duties, humms songs to keep herself awake, and daydreams about being part of the strong and peaceful Ila that it was before.

She is mostly always at pack members' service, and is currently going through a hard time dealing with Ila's stance towards loners- although she believes that Ila might be acting a little too drastic with their measures, she can't fully make herself emphatize with outsiders anymore, despite her trying to believe there are still canines worthy of respect outside of her pack.


Name Ydaho
Pronunciation Edahoe
Age 4 years, 4 months
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Himalayan wolf
Affiliation Ila Pack
Rank Snapper
Orientation Hetero/aromantic

  • Sunsets
  • Horse herds
  • Feeling helpful

  • Sand storms
  • Unnecessary fuss and pity
  • Heavy rain and thunderstorms


Ydaho is quiet, serious, emphatetic and assertive. Unless she's facing a deeply desperate person, she will refrain from showing much sympathy and will seem cold and unapproachable. On the other hand, Ydaho mostly never refuses to help with anything. She likes to do stuff efficiently and be on the move. At times she may appear arrogant because of her cold gaze or bossiness, but can also show a rather charming and peaceful personality when not aware she's being watched, when she, for example, sings songs or talks to herself when on guard.

Design Notes

Ydaho is a buff, big himalayan she-wolf. Her fur is blazing red, rust and ginger, with flecks of white fur growing randomly across her body. Her neck fur is bushy and dark, and tied into braids around her face. Her tail is similar to this texture, but not braided. While her fur is harsh and fairly short, on the neck and tail it's wavy, almost curly, and softer. Her eyes are pale hazel, a bit yellowish or green depending on the light. She has a necklace made of wooden blue pearls, and a ragged dark piece of skin tied around her neck like a bandana.

Her design is based on Aloy from Horizon Zero dawn :)


Offensive fighting 80/100

Defensive fighting 60/100

Hunting large prey 43/100

Hunting small prey 0/100

Gathering 0/100

Tracking 30/100

Persuasion 50/100

Swimming 0/100

Speed 50/100

Strength 70/100

Stamina 53/100

Knowledge of plants 30/100

Knowledge of medicine 20/100

Cooking 0/100

Luck 9/20

Music Box