


2 years, 5 months ago



intelligent • lonely • cold

Highly intelligent, Sora is an extraordinary prodigy. But yet, she lives a solitary and lonely existence where none can reach her--

16 (Physical)/12 (Actual)
🦢 💨 🪶
Lawful Good
Air / Wind

Sora is extraordinary. She’s extremely intelligent and known as a prodigy. Despite that, she is not well-liked by others. They view and treat her as if she’s of a different kind, always her excluding from all activities. Sora pretends to ignore them, but in the inside, it upsets her very much. In the rare occasion she did make a friend, it would never last long. Opinions of her only worsen as she gets chosen as the Sky Guardian. They become more bitter and much more harsher with their words when they see or talk about her. Because of this, she completely distances herself from them and focuses on her role.


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I don't interact with others even if they're a Guardian.


Sora is very intelligent, always the top in her class. But because of this, she is not liked by others. Sora frequently found herself alone, due to the fact that she is constantly excluded from whatever her peers were doing. In the rare case of her making a friend, it was always short - lived, and they would grow apart. Although she appears to not care, she is really upset by their opinions.


After being chosen as the Guardian of the area, the opinions of Sora's peers only worsen. They use their words harshly around her or when they talk about her. This caused Sora to become completely closed off, leaving to the sky to focus on her role. Her intelligence improves over time, but her communication abilities worsen. This leads Sora to becoming very cold to anyone.


Sora is the 4th Guardian to be created, after Fumika, Miyu and Ophelia, being based on the Sky.
Sora is inspired from a swan. Interestingly, she would prefer to not be near water.
Sora's name [空] means Sky.
Sora is the youngest Guardian, at 12 years old. However, she uses her powers to cover up her age, making her appear older than she actually is.

Designer Shuro
  • Sora has a lot of wings in her design, totalling 6 wings. (3 pairs)
  • Sora only has 4 unique colours in her palette (excluding skin). Her hair is the same colour as her skirt, with the tips of her hair white.
  • Sora's hair is actually held together at one point in the back, but drawing it as two is acceptable.
  • The main motifs on Sora's design are white roses, butterflies, and wings.
Ophelia {Cordial} Guardian

Fellow Guardian. Although Sora has never met Ophelia before, but she has heard multiple stories about her from the elders. Most are regarded simply as legends; stories that don't hold any truth, but Sora thinks otherwise, rather holding an interest in Ophelia.

Miyu {Cordial} Guardian

Fellow Guardian. Since Miyu spends most of her time in the water, Sora has never seen her before, but has often passed by her territory. Initially, Sora thought that Miyu was a mermaid, but later decided against it, since she's never seen Miyu exit the water, unlike the mermaids.

Fumika {Cordial} Guardian

Fellow Guardian. Unlike the other Guardians, Sora sees Fumika quite often. However, she has never talked to her before, and Sora shows a disinterest in interacting with her. She likely has some dislike for Fumika. Sora is possibly jealous of her popularity.