Auraya Mistreader



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Authors note

This is a Witcher netflix series OC! Some information may not overlap with the games!


Name: Auraya Mistora

Age: 25 (b: 1233)

Height: 5’

Species: human

Build: Well built

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Auraya has learned to be able to
read even the best poker faces, both for business and for his friends.  "Charismatic' is a good descriptor for him, though when he's in the company of friends he may be one of the quiet ones. Auraya values people who say what they think, But he doesn't mind reading cues for those less direct with their words
He's admittedly not the most book-smart man around, but he is very street amart, and it would be unwise to underestimate him.
Auraya’s charisma an openness tends to escape his love life, as he's not the beat with expressing any form of romantic sentiment. He's very good at recognizing when something is romantic... from an
outside perspective. He tends to be rather oblivious when it comes to romantic gestures or when somebody is interested in him

Occupation: Traveling merchant (former), researcher, odd jobs man.

Weapon: Crossbow and daggers.

Backstory: Born to a middle class family, Auraya has alwayd been the black sheep of the family. Unaccepted for the way he dressed and acted as a child. His family always Insistent he was a girl, he knew otherwise, but didn’t ever bother to argue. It was his body, and his alone.

As a young adult, Auraya quickly left home to travel, selling things he found for small profits to live off of, becoming somewhat of a traveling merchant as well as a deliverer of letters.

In his travels, he got into many fights. Bar fights, fighting bandits, helping others. He fought, despite having a poor win/lose ratio. He never killed, but he always made sure to knock a man out cold. Fighting in his travels is how he met Geralt. During Geralts trip to Kaer Morhen with Cirilla. Auraya offered his wares and a share of his food in exchange for traveling alongside them for a time, during which he became friendly with Ciri, seeing her as a younger sister almost. He also grew fond of Geralt, though their relationship was also a slightly strange one from outside perspective.

During the stay at the witchers outpost, Auraya helps tend to Ciri between training sessions, as well as frequently scolding the witchers who are cruel to her. He doesn’t mind the jabs himself, and can see them as playful fun. He doesn’t take kindly to jabs made at Ciri though.

When Geralt and Ciri left, Auraya followed. Aiding in battles and continuing to check in on both of them. He was unaware of Ciri’s near transformation, though learned of it later. He felt unsure of Yennefer from the moment he met her, especially after seeing her obvious romantic involvement with Geralt

When Jaskier reunited with Geralt, Auraya got along well with Jaskier. The two were friendly and got along well