Rhapsody Bleu



2 years, 5 months ago


Age: 27
Birthday: March 14th
Gender: NB (they/them)
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Height: 6'4"
Species: Human
Powers: Made of rubber/has the ability to stretch
Personality: Very outgoing, gentle, goofy, and fun loving, doesn't anger easily, and tends to only get serious when it's needed
About: When Rhapsody was very young, they drank a magic potion that turned them into rubber. They've been able to stretch their body ever since than. After they graduated from high school, they ended up going off to look for the Land of Dissonance before finally finding it after almost ten years of searching. They happily live in the Land of Dissonance with their roommates Drake Amethyst and Flitter.
Favorite Food: Fried Shrimp
Favorite Drink: Strawberry Juice/French 75
Favorite Colors: Blue and Green
Other facts:
- Their body being able to stretch has affected their growth substantially, which is why they're super tall. Luckily, they're at the stage where they have stopped growing completely, so they don't need to worry about unnecessarily growing more
- They are incredibly good at math, to the point where it's almost scary. Before they left the outside world to live in the Land of Dissonance, they were originally going to pursue a career in teaching mathematics
- They were always interested in mixology before they became a bartender, often reading up about different types of alcohol. They felt if the teaching thing didn't work out, they could become a bartender in the outside world
- They're mute; due to the nature of the potion they drank, speaking causes them pain, so they use sign language to communicate with others. Luckily, since the boundary of language does not exist in the Land of Dissonance, everyone can pretty much understand them