


2 years, 8 months ago


warriors rp character for lrfta!!!
previously warrior, now a medicine cat

character form:
Name: Falconblaze
Rank: medicine cat
Gender: male
Age: 27 moons
Sexuality: demiromantic/pansexual
Clan: Thunderclan

Personality: Loyal and headstrong, Falconblaze will lay down his life for his friends and family, no matter who they are. He's cheerful, boisterous, and acts like an older brother to apprentices a lot of the time. Falconblaze is energetic and raring to go at all times, even in the middle of the night. He loves the snow! He's insecure and unsure of himself though, and tries to cover that with feigned confidence. Whenever problems arise, he's the type to take on all responsibility so that others don't have to stress- even if it's too much for him. He crumbles under the stress, but he's always been good at pretending :)
Strengths: Due to his large stature, Falconblaze packs quite the heavy blow. He's a perfect fit for night guard or patrols because of his endless energy. He is also skilled in building and repairing dens. Flaconblaze also gets along well with just about anyone. He's especially strong in the winter/fall.
Weaknesses Falconblaze's heavy step and large build makes him terrible at stealth. His long coat isn't the best for summer weather, and in spring/summer he'll be more sluggish, need more water, and definitely complain about the heat a lot more. Falconblaze also isn't the brightest, and is easily manipulated if you do it just right.
Appearance: Falconblaze is larger than the average warrior, with thick fur and large paws. He has a dark gray coat with a lighter underbelly, and a streak of fiery orange on his chest.

Mother: Tigerpetal (deceased)
Father: Boulderhowl (deceased)

History: Falconblaze was born into the nursery just as a regular old kit, though he was scolded a lot for getting a bit too rough with the other kits. As he transitioned into apprenticeship, his reputation grew more and more as the "troublemaker". About halfway into his apprenticeship, his parents died in battle, causing him a lot of grief. As a result of the grief, he worked harder and harder to the point of overworking himself. When Falconblaze was appointed warrior, he learned to balance his training, along with maturing and learning to vent his energy into things that benefited the clan. He still has a lot to learn, but Falconblaze hopes that when he joins Starclan, he can see the prideful faces of his parents.

Additional (LRFTA) History: Falconblaze lived a relatively normal and peaceful Thunderclan life as a warrior. He made friends with two apprentices, Heatherpaw and Squirrelpaw, and would often go out hunting with them, and more often than not trying (and failing) to show off cool moves. His life was disrupted when Bloodclan attacked, though. Heatherpaw and Squirrelpaw died. He tried to fight the intruders off, but eventually he was driven out of his own camp, leaving with a nasty scar running down his chest + side, and another scar on his underbelly. This fueled his insecurity. Eventually Bloodclan was driven out the forest and life resumed normally at Thunderclan. Until the Thunderclan medicine cat died, leaving the clan vulnerable with no medicine cat. Falconblaze wanted to do all that he could for his clan, and if that meant giving up his warrior life, then he'd do it. And that's what he did. He's still very unsure about himself, as he became a medicine cat out of necessity rather than a vision, but Falconblaze is trying his best and has (mostly) adapted to his new role. Though sometimes, you can catch him wistfully thinking about going on another patrol, or out hunting with the apprentices.

When the red moon happened, and Halfface delivered her message of the  void, Falconblaze was shook. Her message resonated deeply within him-  mostly because he's had little to no contact with Starclan, even though  he's a medicine cat. His self doubt manifested in nightmares and lost  sleep. He went to consult Goosestar about this, but his belief in  Starclan was only stomped on further. Slowly, Falconblaze loses his  faith, leaving him lost, confused, and seeking anything to fill the gap it left behind. Enter: The Dark Forest (LOL)

very first image is his old ref. while the design stays the same for the most part i still recommend using the newer one!