Edra the autocratic



6 years, 7 months ago


They say, Once upon a time, a peasant loved a prince
But the prince did not love her, for her colors were dull and her influence little
The untapped magic within her being twisted and recoiled in response to her emotions
And she began to cough up flowers.
First pieces, than petals, then entire blossoms

No money for surgery or magical aide did she have
So instead for power and wealth she searched, putting the prince behind her
Power she found, but from dark and shady sources, and the world was cruel
It changed the sweet peasant, turned harsh due to the realities of the world
Only power and wealth mattered to her, as she steadily gained more and more

She twisted the disease which plagued her into a strength

into a mark of what she had become
The flowers that lived inside of her are beautiful
but their poison is potent to any her wrath invoke.

No suitor did she seek ever again, 
no being would she ever allow command over her heart
Encased in it's roots, it is safe and protected from the cruelty of the outside world.

She is now the master, that she will always make certain.


The details of this fallen being's journey to Wyvera are not entirely known, however rumors abound over their first end. What is known of their life was the fact they had a great deal of power and influence where they once lived, gained through numerous deals of all types. They were known for being able to perform any task, no matter how horrific or dangerous, but their prices were steep. Objects of power, ancient tomes, family heirlooms, secrets of the most dangerous kind, these were her preferred currency. No one was sure what they aimed for, other than power and control.

Ultimately, their end is believed to have been a brutal one, for it is said their screams echoed through the land from her secluded tower the night she vanished from her homeland. By the time an investigation was mounted by the hesitant locals, the tower was gone, as was any sign of Edra, the vanished tower taking with it all their objects of power and ancient tomes she had accumulated.

Now, she has appeared in Wyvera, a new form for a new land, and has taken over a tower within a secluded woodlands to the east of Sunna Mountain. No longer does she walk among the living, but her undead state does not torment her. In fact, it seems she has gained something she desired, and appears to still be capable of enjoying the perks of the living, such as imbibing food and drink, though it is merely to enjoy the taste and not for need.

She has been known to contract herself out to those daring enough to seek her aid, though her prices are still steep. It seems to be on a sliding measure, depending on the person that contacts her, but it is almost always never an easy sale. Very rarely, she will be more charitable towards those with pure hearts, whose request are not ones of greed, and who approach her with humility and true respect.

It is said those who willingly contract themselves to her service permanently will have her protection forever, though it comes at the cost of being pulled away for any task she may have for you at any time. It could be any form of task, and given her track record, not many have taken the risk of conjoining their souls and their fate to hers.


Dominant - demanding - intelligent - Clever - Greedy

Personal Stryx:
Echantress - Dracostryx (paperdemon.com)


Location: South west of Sunna, Poisonus Swamp, Tower