


2 years, 5 months ago


Name Cairo
Age 22
Height 5'9 (anthro)
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns He/they
Species Snow leopard
Orient. Bisexual
Taken? No
Job n/a
Acquired $50 custom
Worth $80
Creator DrMedrick
Status NFTS
Theme Inside Out
Design by MoonlightCinderella Code by Cheeriko


"I can't give you an answer, I'm way too high"


Cairo is aloof and irritable, though he tries not to show his temper. They tend to stay fairly withdrawn from most conversations and events, and they much prefer to just stick to the sidelines and observe and listen. While he tries to not get involved unless he has to, he gets annoyed easily and isn't really the best at holding his tongue. He's quick to react emotionally, and slow to realize his mistakes, though he always apologizes when he does.

Though they like to play it off as being cool and unassuming, Cairo is actually very shy and flustered easily. He's not that good at talking to people and making friends, so it really is just easier for them to stick back and watch, though they do try to put themself out there when he has a friend with him for support. Despite being quite shy, Cairo can be a bit of a flirt. He's picky with who and when he flirts, but they enjoys it. However, he has no proper romantic experience, so the second the flirting is turned back to him, they turn into a blushing, fumbling mess.


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Vivamus accumsan tristique arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent convallis justo orci, vitae facilisis massa semper sit amet. Nunc placerat accumsan orci, eget vehicula arcu accumsan ac. Suspendisse dignissim nisl nec imperdiet scelerisque. Morbi nec laoreet arcu. Cras condimentum lobortis ligula, sit amet gravida purus elementum ut.

  • Peace and quiet
  • Music
  • Any body of water
  • Swimming
  • Boats
  • Sushi
  • Rose gold
  • Collecting anything shiny
  • Talking about himself
  • Any seafood that isnt sushi
  • Early mornings
  • Coffee
  • Talking in groups
  • Meeting a lot of new people at once
  • Most vegetables
  • Spiders(deathly afraid)