


2 years, 8 months ago



Domains are part of a parellel universe connected by Ka Energy to each human (or "host"). Each is a reflection of themselves within a physical space, and can be accessed through sleep or meditation, moving their soul from their body to their domain. Every person's domain is slightly different, and can be categoried into one of the following four categories, aside from Reflected, which is more of an addition (e.g. a [Normal Reflected] domain, rather then [normal]). A domain can only be one of the four categories. (Cannot be [Twisted Reversed]- Reflection is the only exception, but is very rarely seen in hosts).


Absolutely normal. Nothing out of the oridinary, aside from the lack of humans. Everything is as it should be, frozen in time.


Everything is normal, except it is upside down. The floor is now the ceiling. In most cases, the "normal" way up, would be to walk on the ceiling, so when exiting buildings, be careful of the way gravity wants you to go.


Thigs that could exist, but don't. Natural grass floors in a glass room. Waterfalls in the streets, the world tilted at a 90 degree angle, or folded in on itself.


Things that shouldn't exist. Floating islands, massive monoliths, alien technology, rifts in the earth, never ending waterfalls, giant mushroom forests, stairways to no where, houses built on clouds.


A special classification for domains that reflect the host's personality. If you are angry when entering your reflected domain, it may be on fire, or extremely hot weather, whereas if you are sad, it may be raining, or thunder.

Code by AviCode