


2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info






Flint, Michigan






Equipment Repair, Equipment Design, Scientist, Experimentalist



Aces is a full time ghostbuster based in southern Georgia. Born in 1972, he was an instant fan of the Ghostbusters over in NYC. Throughout his childhood, he dreamed of becoming a 'buster himself, so until the ripe age of 14, he did his absolute best to surpass everything laid before him, however things wouldn't change until the events of 1991 would happen, where The Ghostbusters would spread across the United States in Franchises. He had learned of a franchise opening in Chicago, so since his family had already begun looking for an apartment in the area, he decided to enroll in the classes that were being taught by a man named Bryan Welsh. Little did Ace know though, Bryan was his ticket into the Ghostbusters. After the two became acquainted, they hit it off immediately, and some events led to Ace becoming a part of the crew. Now most people would think "Hey! He's only 17!", and to that I say you're absolutely correct, because Ace did NOT know what was ahead of him. It took him a full year to learn the ropes, and for some ungodly reason his mother was ok with it. But that's besides the point. About a full year later, in 1992, Bryan had moved back to NYC to help the original Ghostbusters, leaving Aces as the second in command of the Chicago Ghostbusters. It all went well for a while, until October 29th, 1992. It was a routine day, and the team were resting in the headquarters, when they got a call from two sewer workers, reporting sounds and a strange light underground in the sewers. The crew went underground to investigate, only to find a cross-dimensional portal leading to the 5th dimension "Ghost World" as Ray Stantz called it. They decided to head through, so they jumped into the portal, only to find a horde of the undead, spooks, specters, and the worst thing they could have found....


 So they did the best they could, and made a break for it. They ran around for hours on end, until they found a way out, another portal. However, it was too far away from them for anyone to make it without being torn to shreds trying, so due to already being wounded, Aces made his final choice, and sacrificed himself so that his team could escape. And after a heartbreaking moment between Ace and his team, they left him. The last thing Aces' crew saw of him was ace locking his blast stream with gozer's lightning.

18 years later

It's 2010, and it's been 30 years since anyone had seen or heard anything from Ace. When near the headquarters of the recently reformed franchise of the Chicago Ghostbusters, a cross-dimensional portal opens, and out steps a non aged Aces...?