


2 years, 5 months ago


Fan character for TheBlueFish's lore


Honeycomb is a hybrid fish that is known to have the richest and sweetest honey in the kingdom. Her home is somewhere far away, but her honey has traveled far and made it to the shelves of atlantis and other places. her hive is full of hundreds of worker bees, as well as drones, knights, and two bee sisters (might be her daughters i dunno) who help manage the hive. 

Currently stays hidden in a cafe- she accidentally got shipped in a box with some of her honey, and has been pollinating some of the plants in the greenhouse- 

actually very smol

its questionable if the queen bee has any magic

the knights have dark or light magic, which determines their role as a defender or attacker


The hive consists of hundreds of small bees. seperated by type. Worker, drone, knight, and royal. all of these bees are born from a clutch of eggs, with about 80% of them being workers, and 10% being knights. the queen is created by feeding a baby bee a special jelly.

The worker bees are small tiny critters, inbetween pets and regular fish- only given command by the queen as a hivemind. they fly out to pollinate the world. collect pollen and create nectar, with a select few following the queen. the drones consist of slightly larger bees that patrol and watch over the newly hatched fish. Drones are initially male, and have a small chance to become knights.

knights are bees like the queen, having a conscience, and are the only bees other than the queen herself to have light or dark magic. the type of magic determines their role in the hive as an attacker or defender.

there are currently 3 royals. Honeycomb: the Queenbee. Sapphire, the blue bee, and Ruby the pink bee. The "daughters" or "sisters" (havent decided yet) of honeycomb that help rule, althought they are younger and more playful, they manage shipping the honey and also creating different types of honey, like honey that energizes fish, or a perfect recipe for your cookies.

The royals and knights are sentient, while the workers are not.