Royal Blue Swatchling



2 years, 5 months ago


Name             Swatchling
Nicknames    Royal Blue Swatchling, Maice Manager, Royal Blue, Royal, Roy, Mausy
Pronouns      They/Them, doesn't mind any pronouns.


“Royal Blue” Swatchling was hired to help around the Mansion despite their smaller size and features, going through a lengthy
application process before being put on the job. There they constantly failed, freezing up in the presence of guests so often
that their colour changed permanently to blue. They were also a big klutz, constantly dropping trays and tripping over pottery
much to the annoyance of other staff. Though whenever they cleaned up their own messes, they left the area so pristine and
sparkling that their position was changed over to being solely a Janitor.

They are one of the only Swatchlings who isn’t scared of the Maice, finding them charming and cute. They were usually cleaning
up messes from when Swatchlings would jump on counters and ovens to avoid the little pests, meaning they naturally began to
remove the Maice to stop the mess as part of their job. It happened so often that Swatchlings now call on them to deal with Maice,
gaining the nickname of ‘Maice Manager’ because of how often they had to direct the little creatures out of the Mansion peacefully.

Royal Blue doesn't speak unless absolutley necessary, though that doesn't mean they don't get along with other castle staff.
They are very close to, and friendly with their own species, and they absolutley adore and look up to Swatch. They like Queen
as a ruler, though they're scared to interact with her due to the pottery they've broken. They quite like Tasque Manager, but they're
afraid that she doesn't like them due to how often they have to come over for Tasque-related help, they don't like Tasque as they are
the natural predator of Maice.

Their defensive equipment is their vest, which is very well made. Their offensive equipment is their broom and miscellanious cleaning supplies.

Royal Blue Swatchling
* They're frozen in fear.
* Doesn't seem like you can warm them up.

Blue Bird - Flies to the top of the box and drops to the bottom, bouncing three times. (or two if they've attacked that turn.) Four little
stars are produced after each bounce. (Basic Blue Swatchling attack)
Hope Soap - A soap bar projectile labelled 'HOPE' bounces across the sides of the box, leaving trails of damaging soap bubbles that vanish
after a short amount of time. (Woshua attack)
Maus Attack! - Summons two Maus to their side, though they are quickly replaced by Tasque in the same turn, much to their annoyance.

Game              Deltarune

Extra               Can speak colour/hex code. The shortest Swatchling, though they are still very tall compared to other darkners/lightners.
                        They like to paint. They are a horrible chef.