Tatsu's Comments

aa omg they're sooo pretty :OO

Someone from my TH for them?
Max1E on Toyhouse

I’m sorry for the late reply I’m not very active ^^ which characters/folders are off limits in any

Hello! and it's okay! :D 

The "mains" and "Beloved" folder is offlimits and some characters in "Nix" folder as well, mainly the ones by AyumiiIsAFox and the pink TBN. In unsorted characters, Shoyu is offlimits as well, because they're the mascot for my cs that I've been working on

I’ve found some I’m interested in 💪💪 just to make sure, could you confirm none of them are off limits again, then I’ll pick one





I can do Bandit or the tv head cat tbn

I'm not sure if I can let go of the other two yet, especially moth nix tbn because I like them a lot

I'll pick the tv head cat 💥💥 

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Would you be willing to trade Sao 👁

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Yeah sure 😼

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