Beau's Comments

If the other offer falls through and this character goes off pending may I purchase them? :3

Hey there! The other user already completed 2/3 art they owe me, so I would feel bad about cancelling it on them. I do have this wishu design for sale if they interest you instead: 

But no worries either way!

Gotcha! Unfortunately I'm not interested in that design-thank you though! <3

No problem at all, have a wonderful day ^^

I'll consider for the three small chibis! I'll let you know once I decide, gonna leave it open for a day or so.

yeah no problem! i could also offer money if you'd prefer that / if someone else offers 

How much? ^^ $55 would be an auto basically- but no worries either way.

Hey there - if you are still interested I'd like to accept your art offer. If not, no worries! Just let me know.

yes! that'd be awesome please just lmk who you want me to draw :3

Great! Would 

these three be okay? They're all chubby, if you can't do it that's alright! I'll pick another ^^

3 Replies

Hello, I've been trying to reach you via pm, but never got a response. Are you still interested? I sent the character already, and as I mentioned in my PM I don't need you to finish the final piece since I sold that oc. 

Either way, please just let me know. If you're no longer interested I'd be happy to pay you for the art you did do for me. Just please don't leave me hanging. 

you've been super nice ;a; I'm sorry I've been so flaky! i drew you one last thing since i did originally promise 3!
thank you for trading with me!

Thank you so much! I love the artwork! Hope you enjoy the OC, I truly do appreciate it!