Degar Bolar



6 years, 7 months ago


An unusual ranger and an even more bizarre orc, Degar is anything but average. His dad jokes are in the top percentage. Caution is advised, or be prepared to groan. 


Degar is basically the worst orc to ever have orc’ed. 

First off: he’s lanky by orc standards, he’s taller than his brethren and frankly he just doesn’t have raid and honor running through his veins. His ears are long and floppy, he likes to keep clean and dang it: he just talks too much! 

Degar was born into one of the larger clans in the land of Oberon, and was early pegged as a potential tactician due to his high intelligence and creative thinking. Shortly after his first manhood test, he was caught cheating in a fight to honor their God, Gruumsh, and promptly had his tusks pulled out before being kicked out to live as an outsider… Or more specifically; to be picked up by the guys living on the outskirts of the clan, to become a part of the less honorable but still much needed “assassins”. Degar though said to himself “fuck this shit”, and instead went out on an adventure to see what he could manage to do in a local human town. It should be noted that orcs reach adulthood and physical maturity much earlier than other races as they only live on average till their mid 30’s before dying in battle, so Degar was roughly 13 when he left for good.

Somehow, he was picked up by a criminal organization in Vestmound, and his quick wit and endurance got him on the inside. He began picking up several languages (common, Draconic, thieves’ cant, Giant, Dwarvish, Elven), learned how to pickpocket, how to charm the goods off anybody through any means necessary, and much more. Hell, he got so good he ended up leading the organization for a few years…

But Degar is a guy who gets easily bored, and he started to develop other passions. He was sick of being constantly seen as a dangerous man, and from there became a Robin Hood-esque ranger. He began specializing in hunting his own, killing all things huge and taming wild beasts to keep his head occupied. 

Somewhere along the way, he met his ditzy but socially intelligent wife, Airee, and they somehow hit it off despite them both normally not being into their respective “types”. Had an adorable as heck kid named Arfidan, and then Degar’s dad nature kicked inn and now he just won’t shut up about how great his son is, and how damn fine his wife is naked. 

Naturally, once his old clan began figuring out what happened to Degar, and where he was and what he was currently up to, he of course began getting into trouble with them. Dunno if you’re familiar with it, but the vast majority of orcs usually KILL elves on sight and make necklaces out of their ears and eyes, so marrying one? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. I suspect Degar partially married Airee and her typical Elf ways to tell his own kind to shove it. 



Personalitywise, Degar is down to earth. Nothing really surprises him now that he’s been everywhere and has passed the 50 year mark. He takes things incredibly chill, never shows off any types of stress and just appears to be prepared for everything. 

While the inquisitive type, he’s not one to get into other people’s business and still has that orcish “not my problem” attitude from his clan days. He doesn’t like to do anything if he doesn’t benefit from it, and he’s always out there to make a profit. He does have scruples though, and he’s weak when children come and ask him for assistance. I dunno… he just kinda melts when he sees them. I think he would have a whole flock if his wife would just stay still enough in one spot so they’d have time to get her preggers again. That orc trait to push for more kids never had anything wrong with it. 

Degar is no longer concerned about coming off as cool as he did 20 years ago (he may or may not have tried to be Batman). He’s far more worried about appearing friendly and stupid, as all sorts of folks seem to trust him more often the more harmless he seems... which means more work, which means more money, which means more beer, which means more good times. He’s never really gotten anything out of being intimidating and he does everything in his power to blend in when possible. 

Not exactly a guy who likes physical confrontations, Degar prefers to talk out his issues and use bribes before lifting up his bow. He’ll happily lie and cheat his way out of things, especially if it’s a better longtime solution. 


In his youth, Degar often talked himself into more trouble than he managed to talk himself out of. As a child, Degar was considered impossible and not one who took orders well. He was a notorious prankster, and received spankings up to twice a day due to his unruly behavior. His only "friend" was his cousin, Dhan, whom Degar usually ignored.

After leaving his clan, his pulled tusks were a sensitive subject, and he more than happily pretended to be half-orc when it was beneficial and to stop unwanted questioning of his appearance. He was a cocky sort of fellow, eager for attention and approval, especially when titles and work was involved, as he felt he didn’t have a spot where he belonged. 

On a weekly basis he could be found at the local tavern, chatting up beautiful women (especially elven girls for the challenge of it), improving his coercing skills and bluffing, until he got kicked out for being broke or too drunk to stand. A bit nosy, Degar wasn’t afraid to invite himself onto quests and parties when it sounded like good fun. 

Adventure days:

Degar was starting to come into his own when he met Airee in his late 20's. His cocksure attitude was dying for a more dad-like self-assured-ness, though he was still heavy on the sarcasm, harsh backtalk, and fighting back against the control-freak habits he developed while he was leading his old criminal organization. Awfully practical, Degar didn't have much time for bullshit and was first to speak up when things started to go astray... Airee tested many of his limits, especially with her whimsical nature and refusal to do things in an organized manner. Not to mention how goddamn distracting she was with her sheer-dresses and aggressive flirting towards him. Doing everything short of stripping him down, the elf was a nightmare to deal with because he just didn't want to tell her no. A quick rendezvous to somewhere more private sounded like an excellent idea every time she suggested it... Too bad he always had to be the professional one in the group --- it's amazing how fast adventurers turn into murder-hobos when they're not supervised.