Joey Lebeau



6 years, 6 months ago


Gender: MALE

Age: 48

Height/Weight: 6'1"

Line of Work: Head nurse of the Darluces region. EX- Leader of biker gang in Kalos. Jotaro Kujo impersonator 

Personality: Hes an awfully harsh man, especially if you bring badly injured Pokemon to him. Joe cares deeply for Pokemon and his daughters well being and will throw down his apron if daddy has to!!!

Relationship Status: Its complicated.

Other Facts:

[Pokemon Team] 

*Poliwhirl♂: Noboru - Touch him. 

Blastoise♂: David - You can touch but he won't like it. 

Ursaring♂: Baloo - V good cuddler. 

Delcatty♂: Ryou - Don't touch him hes the real asshole here.

- Can speak both Japanese and French fluently. English is getting there but no cigar. 

- In his younger years Joey was part of a biker gang that roamed around Kalos. (tight leather aww yeaaahh) 

- He was a very menacing trainer in the gang but it wasn't until his daughter when he decided to leave that life and settle down. (Still keeps in contact with them though.) 

- Never officially married.

- Became a nurse for both Pokemon and people after his daughter became sick and he didn't know where to go. 

- His only soft spot is for his kid and most pokemon. Other than that he probably doesn't regard your existence as important. 

- Doesn't really battle anymore. Willing to throw down and fist fight any day though. 

- Actually likes pink ❤

 - Has a real disdain for team Genesis. 

- Gr8 @ karaoke👍