Ross Verlice's Comments

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The beloved <333 *Hugs Ross*

Much beloved :'0 

I have been obsessing over him lately lol

He is VERY obsession-worthy. A VERY good character ^^

I've been thinking of developing younger him and his siblings a bit, but I wouldnt know what to do with them lol.

That would be awesome! :O It's a good idea to flesh out thoughts on some note paper ^^ That may help you develop them!

:D yeah, that's a good idea!! I might do that ^^

3 Replies

Im curious about what happened in that explosion XP

I'm gonna edit his profile tomorrow to add his backstory, i'm too tired now XD

(also super unrelated but is it okay if i add you to my friends list on my profile, you just seem pretty cool, and super nice :P)

valid!! I have to make profiles for so many characters ahahaha.. plus gotta design some more star wars characters as side characters n stuff XDDD

(kdhdjsg yeah of course qwq you’re awesome too hehe nwn)

XDD I feel your pain lol

(thanks lol dsjssjwjsn)