Ignatius (Finding your legs)



6 years, 2 months ago


Growing up Iggy was always different from everyone else. At birth it was Quickly realized he was unique by deep black depths of his eyes. While other pups wanted to wrestle and slide down the Sand dunes. Iggy wanted to Dance and build things.

Because of his odd nature none of the other pups really paid much attention to him. Except for one bully in particular who often tormented him.

One summer day in particulair. Young Iggy was perched in the shade, tinkering with an old saddle that his father had tried throwing out. While he was incredibly focused on the task of undying everything, his bully appeared.  "What are you doing now Icky?" The young Alpha pup said as he snatched up one of Iggy's little blades and started fiddling with it. "Please give that back. I need it for my work" Iggy asked politely as to try and avoid to much confrontation.

"Nah I think I'll keep it. Payment for not beating you up" as the alpha pup said this he went to shove it in his pouch. Iggy let out a growl and dove for the bag. He was tired of this stupid bully and him always stealing his stuff! As his hand grabbed the bag, the Alpha pup shoved him off and then tackled him.

Pinning poor Iggy down he decided to try and make him eat the sand. Iggy wiggled under him and lashed his tail in an attempt to whip the stupid male. However his attempt was in vain and he eventually stopped struggling. Seeing this as a sign of defeat, the bully went to shove more dirt in his mouth. As his hand got close, Iggy snapped his jaws down hard on the males fingers.

Cursing and smacking Iggy's head, the boy tried to get Iggy off his fingers but Iggy only clamped tighter. He could taste the blood in his mouth and he didn't mind the taste one bit. It was only after the bully started to cry that Iggy let him go. He Quickly snatched up the satchel where it had fallen and watched as the bully ran off to tell his parents.  "Good riddance" Iggy mumbled as he took the bag, spit out some blood and sand, and went back to his tinckering.