Miruneal "Rune" Grey (Backstory)



1 year, 10 months ago


twenty years

bad suns



Reckless and head-first, rune is a muse—the equivalent of a real-world god. As out of hand and impulsive as he can be, he cares deeply and desperately for every creation of his own and every person he deems friend or family, extending even to foes in some cases. Having recently escaped an isolation of his own doing, he cherishes every second of fresh air and friendship he has and spends as much time as he can worrying as little as possible. After all, he's got a *lot* of people and stories to protect..

But, with all that aside, he still enjoys his life. He spends a lot of free-time with company and his Magi, learning more of the world he's placed so many lives into and helped shape.

Authors Note

Originating as a creator of people, Rune initially hid behind the scenes, making sure peoples lives played as was fit and that they stayed within the lines of what was destined to happen— sort of like fate! But even fate needed a maker, too. (Not that he enjoyed learning that.) But with time, Rune began to realize he was.. lonely. He didn't want to be behind a screen, watching peoples lives fold out and be lived .. without him?

That.. all of that.. did he want to be a part of that? Is that what this feeling was? He couldn't believe it at first; but nonetheless, he expressed such a thought to Zorin, who seemed quite hesitant at first—after all, to leave your realm and escape into your stories was quite drastic, was it not? Many would call it an act of desperate escapism, of unbelonging; foolish and dangerous, even. But as Rune emphasized his curiosity, his yearning and loneliness between the two; that, though they had many around him, he found himself alone regardless in the end, he couldn't stand the idea of staying this way.

"So many lives live below our feet, Zorin! Wouldn't it be such a waste, living here alone in this realm? You have people you can turn to, I know that; but I live so alone. And it's okay if you don't come with me—but.."

"..I think I want to say hello; for the first time in my life!"


You know, this isn't what he always looked like. At first, he was a girl— a polite and petite little thing, too afraid to make decisions for herself. But with encounters of monsters that began to hear that he existed, hidden between whispers of something that remembered him before all others did, there was no way to continue that helplessness. His decision finalized the night that he retreated to a library of old origin and faced the disaster of nearly losing one of his own creations to those creatures all in attempt to save him. He couldn't continue to be so incapable of even protecting himself.

And it took him quite some time to come to terms with that— at first, he didn't even realize it was a sense of discomfort. Never before had he truly been introduced to a sense of self that existed beyond solely for the sense of others to identify you; to indicate who you were among a sea of others like you, and that perhaps it was even in your own control. Despite meeting those who did just that; took control of it themselves, he never felt it an option for himself. But as he watched his stories unfold, and the sense of their own identities became more than identifiers, he entertained the thought, even more-so once his childhood friend's stories bled into his, and the fellow creator himself opened the door for Rune, too.

As they finally concluded their thinking, came upon agreeance to journey into their stories in, at first, secret, Rune introduced himself as Kimine; a small, fragile rabbit girl with soft pink and white accents always to her and her wardrobe. First, she was shy and nervous; taking long and slow strides to find her comfort amongst the others that she met; the first of which was the fallen seraph of her own making, Aiz— and alongside him, his brother Zire, their childhood friend Amor, and by ultimate proxy, Hallow and Parvus—all of which were people who held such special places in Runes heart.

Along such tremendous lengths between learning to bond and interact with people (let alone such significant people,) came the true understanding of self. At first, he thought perhaps he was nonbinary and genderfluid—that nothing would ever feel permanently at-home in one state. But as time continued, he noticed.. he hadn't quite left his masculine identity in quite some time—and before he knew it, he couldn't bear the idea of returning to a feminine identity. And so from there, he rose declaratively to his feet and excitedly announced to those who had become family that he would no longer be Kimine, nor Nene or Paladin, none of these names he accumulated since now, none except—


reckless protector

As the comfort in his skin became truer with each call of his true name, so did the cold that began at the base of his spine as Aiz confided in him the speculation that it seemed things were more hostile than it should have been. What could he possibly mean by this, Rune wondered? That didn't make sense—he hadn't seen any of this aggression himself by any means, (though he wasn't often around when it happened, to be honest..) but he listened. As Aiz explained further, others seemed to voice the same— Zorin and Hallow, all expressing instances and the hell that seemed to ensue upon characters as the muses both stepped their way into stories and protected those whom they loved.

They hadn't been all that quiet though, had they? In some of their most drastic moments, both these muses had done unspeakable things—things justified only be a desperation to stay alive—keep friends and family. Even Rune would be foolish to dismiss that; and so he didn't. Now, this wasn't to say that in any of those desperate times had either of them done it happily or willingly—they were all only accidents; moments that should never have come about in the first place, and that caused two, too-young gods both to act in desperation amidst unfamiliar and extreme territory.

And while everyone they loved was safe; while it did turn out alright for the most part, it would be a lie to say that no muse ever approached them straight-on with a fervor in their eyes at the loss of their own creations' lives.