


2 years, 5 months ago


Arthur Foster
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Age 22 y.o.
Orientation Homo
DoB March 21
Sign Aries
Species Human
Height 175 cm
Occupation Drummer


Arthur can be perfectly described as doing faster than thinking. He is not the smartest one, but has a lot of energy. Well, usually very destructive energy. Sometimes he seems a loose cannon.
He is very stubborn, he has his own beliefs and sticks to them with all his heart. Feeling independent and free is important for him. When he's loosing it, he gets furious.
He's always trying to pose tough. He doesn't like to show his sensitive side and mistake.
His behavior changes diametrically when Kenny's around.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Leader Follower
MBTI istj
Attitude neutral


  • Assertive
  • Down-to-earth
  • Protective
  • Energetic
  • Impulsive
  • Agressive
  • Hypocrite
  • Stubborn

Appearance notes

Dark brown eyes.
Very skinny, but muscular.
Olive complexion.
Usually bald or very close-cropped in youth and slightly longer, wavy, black hair in adulthood.
Wears tracksuit, tank top and trainer like a thug.


Yt playlist
He can't swim, has seasickness. Generally big "no, no" to water activities.
Cutting his own hair is for him some kind of ritual, when he relapses to violence behavior.
His favorite drug is marijuana, he can stand beer or cigarettes, but only in a good mood.
He has a problem with hunger, he often doesn't feel it.
He can't read music notes, it's too complicated for him, but instead he has a perfect pitch.
Arthur really hates Kenny's family. Especially his father, but generally he doesn't like them.
In an orphanage, he had a pal (Patrick), who took care of him. He taught Arthur drumming, exploring and smoking. They lost touch when Patrick was 18 and moved out. After many years, Arthur got the message about his death.
In au, where his family is alive he has a sister (Summer), his father (Andrew) has pharmacy company and Arthur is a professional boxer.
There is also an au, where Arthur has foster-father Robert. They get on well with each other.
When he is stressed out, he is usually walking around or even running.

  • Boxing
  • Drums
  • Urban exploration
  • Kenny's cooking
  • Eating with someone around
  • Vomit
  • Being snubbed
  • Taking about orphanage


Canonically, he lost his family, when he was ten and spent the next eight years in an orphanage. It gave him a lot of traumas and unhealthy habits. The main problems were ed and violent behavior under pressure. When he was 15, he met Kenny. It was very awkward, because Arthur tried to steal Kenny's phone. Younger noticed it and just asked nicely for his thing. Arthur was so embarrassed, he didn't know what to do. After this, Kenny unexpectedly asked him for a hang out. They started urban exploring together.

Early Adulthood

This was a very strange time. Arthur and Kenny started acting very similar to a couple, but they didn't talk about it at all. They met Micheal, Faust and Ravelin in a club. Micheal after short conversation kissed Kenny and Arthur almost beat him up. Luckily, Faust and Ravelin intervened. They started talking about playback drums and Rav invited Arthur to a rehearsal. After some time, Kenny joined them too. Meanwhile, on 18 birthday, Arthur left school, started working and with Kenny's financial help, found some studio flat.

Late Adulthood

With RMF's help, Kenny and Arthur finally started dating. This was a very happy time for both of them. Most of their troubles from the past were gone. They had a small house with garden and Samoyed (firstly Crotchet, then Note).