
2 years, 8 months ago


"I turned their cloaks into soft cheese. That taught them not to mess with me!"


Name: Luxia Paledawn

Gender: Female

Age: ?? (elderly)

Species: Witch

Height: 5'3''

Sexual orientation: ??

Setting/timeline: Apollo, various timelines

Occupation: Potion shop keeper

Connections: Nebula (deceased niece), Gail (employee/companion), Mercury (former friend/boss)


A spellcaster of great renown, Luxia once worked as a professor at a magic school called Blackthorn Academy. She had a niece, Nebula, who she raised like her own child. One day, a boy who had been picking on Nebula for months played a prank on her that had terrible consequences: she was irreversibly transformed into a cat and lost her human mind.

Luxia was infuriated to learn that her coworkers had known about Nebula's bullying and chosen to do nothing. She blamed them for her niece's 'death'. She promptly resigned and went home with what remained of her niece. After a few years, Nebula died, and Luxia spent decades in isolation, becoming known as the local crazy old lady. Eventually she opened up a potion shop where she sells magical concoctions and artifacts.


Positive: Friendly / Confident / Humorous / Witty

Negative: Senile / Unreliable / Arrogant / Sometimes harsh

Luxia has never been afraid to speak her mind. Her brutal honesty has earned her some disapproval, and in her old age, she's become far more erratic, known for her mood swings and lack of filter. She often forgets what she's talking about mid-conversation, abruptly switches topics, or goes into nonsensical rambles. In her youth, she was eccentric but sharp-witted and perceptive. Her current senility is contributed to a number of factors, namely old age and the shock of losing her niece.

Luxia has a wicked sense of humour and can be very mischievous, enjoying playing pranks on others. Many of these pranks involve magic, but she's always careful not to do things that could have permanent effects. Though rather difficult to interact with, she's generally friendly and loves company. She is, however, very unreliable due to her forgetfulness and inability to take things seriously.


Luxia physically appears to be in her 70's. She is short and slightly hunchbacked, with scraggly grey hair that hangs around her face. Her eyes are bright green. She often wears mismatched clothes.



Luxia's niece, who was turned into a cat after a prank gone wrong. She lost her human intelligence and had to be cared for by Luxia until she passed away. Luxia misses her terribly and blames her coworkers for not protecting her better.


A young woman who works in Luxia's potion shop. She was homeless when they met, and because Luxia gave her a chance, Gail has become extremely loyal to her. Luxia keeps her around for company more than anything else.


The headmistress of the magic academy that Luxia used to work in. They originally got along (albeit with some personality clashes and disagreements), but fell out after the incident with Luxia's niece. Luxia believes that Mercury was negligent and could have prevented the tragedy.


Luxia has immense spellcasting abilities. She excels in almost every type of magic except necromancy and is particularly adept at transformation magic, wards and healing. However, because of her age, Luxia is prone to getting exhausted when she uses strong magic, and this can be potentially dangerous to her.


- She gained custody of her niece due to her sister dying in a sudden accident.

- Likes to knit things, especially colourful socks.