


6 years, 7 months ago



Name: Lumen 

Age: 150


Sex: Female


Species: DextroLuma


Type: Corrupted 


Region: Corruption


Occupation: Seamstress



Eye's: Black


Hair: Black


Main colours: Black and White


Style: Gothic



Lumen  is mostly calm and methodical she speaks in a rather flat tone voice.  For her everything has to be perfect to the point of OCD and if anything  is slightly amiss, she will suddenly snap and start screaming.




 She grew up in the Arctic region, her child hood was rather normal.  However in her teens she was quite rebellious and would often get in  trouble with her parents. Her parents would try to restrain her freedom  in order to protect her, they always feared she would get corrupted. But  Lumen never saw the corruption as a curse like the others did. 



“Please stay with us, just accept your lot in life like the rest of us.” Her mother pleaded with her.



“I'm sorry but I can't accept a life lived in a gilded cage.” Lumen calmly replied.



“Honey, speak sense to our foolish daughter, make her stay.” She said with a look of desperation clear in her eye's.



“Fine! Leave you wrenched child.” He said while trying to hold back the tears.



With that Lumen wordlessly nodded a thank you towards him and left, never to return.



Years  later Lumen is now happily living in the corruption reign, were she  goes from town to town making stylish clothes for other Dextro's. Under  her brand name of Darkly Luminous.


DextroLuma are a closed species by Lunathys