

Name Arbiter Uliressa
Called The Arbiter
Race Eternal One
Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Voice Unknown (Ever silent)
Occupation Judge of the Shadowlands
Location The Crucible, Oribos

The Eternal One is no longer eternal.

I can't accept that Blizzard killed and destroyed her in this way.

I have been waiting for her to be fixed since December 2020. Now, a whole year later, the Blizzard tells us she was dissolved and absorbed. She is dead, forever.

I don't mind that she's dead, most of my favorite characters are dead. But her death was rushed and pointless, and her successor has only an extremely poor design. As an art practitioner, I only hope that my favorite character's successor has a good enough design. I was disappointed.

So I decided to make an AU for her and my other OCs, here the Maw Walker can found a way to save the Arbiter.



A strange lich found the Maw Walker, and she said she knew how to restore the Arbiter. According to her description, if you find the Arbiter's heart, you can use some other materials to help her resurrect. Creating a body is impossible for us, but using a ready-made body is feasible.

Then the Maw Walker retrieved her heart from Zovaal and found a everwyrm's corpse.

Now the Arbiter is reborn, and order is restored in the Shadowlands. All souls could return to where they were supposed to go. In honor of this everwyrm, the Arbiter began using its name, Uliressa.


She can still take on the appearance she once had if she wants to. But that doesn't make sense to her, so now she usually appears with one of these two appearances:

Dragonkin appearance: A slender, serpentine dragon, her body surround the Crucible and her tail wraps around the front of her body, forming a closed ring.

Humanoid appearance: Most of the appearance is still similar to the previous Arbiter, but the lower half of her body becomes a snake tail. Just like the Dragonkin appearance, this slender tail will surround the Crucible and wrap the end around her body.




Original Character The Arbiter
Character Belong World of Warcraft
Designer Ariel Fain
Modeler Ethan Zink

The copyright of this character belongs to Blizzard.

Arbiter Uliressa is an NPC used in my WOW AU lore, but I don't mind if others use her in their WOW stories, just make sure tell me and link here (If anyone would actually want to use her lol).

And if you use TH and create a WOW AU world, you can even invite this character to join your world.

But note that she cannot:

  • Speak.
  • Be wounded or dead.
  • Have the emotions of mortals.
  • Have a spouse or any romantic content.
  • Have any degree of NSFW content.

About Arbiter Uliressa

Although she is not a complete OC, she is still created by me, I love her as much as I love my other daughters.

In fact, the Arbiter is also my favorite character in the whole shadowlands, her death was a huge blow to me.

Just, please be kind to her.

Thanks for reading <3

HTML by Eggy