


2 years, 6 months ago



Name Lokachari
Called Loka, Lok, Chari
Age 350 years
Gender cis-Female
S.O. Demisexual
Height 5' 9" (with ears)
Build Athletic and Curvy
Race Inkitki
Tribe Myrmos
Role Tribe member
Daycare supervisor
Everyone's big sister


inkitki . myrmos . big sister extraordinaire

On the surface, Loka is a rather common individual of the Myrmos tribe. Her fur is a mixture of shades of brown, black, and cream, with long and curly black hair. Her fur is a little longer in some spots, but is constantly kept as clean as can be. When those longer patches get unmanageable, especially in her tail, she spends time braiding them and adding little beads to keep them from fraying. These are notes to herself for when she takes a bath, and will often change in amount and size across her tail and hair. She possesses a medium amount of their tribe's markings, which seems focused on her face and legs. They lead to a large, central marking on her chest which seems to look like some kind of scar of severe damage. She binds her chest in order to hide this marking from eyes. This scar is not seen in public EVER, even in situations where her shirt would be off.


Loka was not born in Elgavel, which is the home of the Myrmos tribe. Instead, her parents were wanders from another village. They were scarred, meaning they hadn't mastered their tribe's magics, but had chosen to take pilgrimage despite this. They'd brought their daughter with them. Throughout her young life, Loka grew up and was raised as a Myrmos. Her parents continued to study the tribe's magic until they underwent the Ara’podaiyan, a dangerous ceremony to gain the Myrmos tribe's magic. They were exposed to the Teis'Ripa, a dangerous virus, that was part of the ceremony. For a while they seemed to survive and thrive, but within a few weeks of their ceremony they began to rapidly decline. Because they tended to live slightly outside the city, they were quickly quarantined and the virus stopped with the family alone. She was the only to survive.

As she grew, an orphan, she was widely avoided by many of the villagers. She became as active as she could in the lives of those around her until she was eventually taken in by a popular teacher of magic. He raised Loka through her life, instilling her with a firm set of values and beliefs that she holds to this day. Under him, and throughout her young life, this man taught her magic. Due to her surviving exposure to the virus he was sure she would be a powerful Inkiti, and possibly a contender for the village's next Fous'astan. Finally, the day came for her to take her Ara'podaiyan, the same dangerous ceremony that had killed her parents. Just as her father and master had believed, she was strong enough to earn the vibrating bioluminescent glowing of a powerful Thys'ki.

She emerged not only a powerful magic wielder, but also a different Inkitki. While her focus before had been on learning magic to be as powerful as she could for her village, she now sought to get no stronger. She didn't want to take another pilgrimage to learn more, nor did she aspire to be anything more than what she in the village. She became a prominent figure in the village, seeming to always be there when she was needed. She used her magic, favoring to summon the creatures of the wilds around them, to assist those around her in anyway that she was able. It got to the point that her name was common in conversation, if only to say hello. She seems to take on any task that's asked of her with a smile on her face, spending most of her time as a teacher for the young. It has also become rather common to see her asleep somewhere, like under a tree, simply because she forgot to sleep the night before.

  • children/babies
  • cooking
  • helping
  • reading cheesey love stories
  • being alone
  • being sick
  • the desert
  • really hot days

The miracle isn't some magic that you've got. The miracle is you.


All of You
She Lit a Fire
I Wouldn't Mind
Forgive Me Friend


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