SERAPHIM's Comments

oh wait omg I didn't realize this one was marked as male aaaaaaaaaaaa

don't worry, for angels I actually don't  give them an specific genre, if you want me to make them more femenine or boyish let me know.

Yeah, I think I would rather go with more feminine for this one, I'm just kinda frustrated because I didn't even realize oops.

don't worry n_n it will look good, I'll show in a moment 

All set and sent, let me know if you want me to add something to it

How much additional would it be to get a version of this in another base as well?

all depends of the base, but around 5-10 USD. 

Very tempting. Where's your base stuff again?

Here , I've been adding more but for now that are the ones I like or use the most.

What about this base? First pose I think works best.

Yup, is simple and it going to show the designs as it is. It will cost 6 extra, I'll add a lil bit of more details to the wings as the chibi original is kind of cutesy-crayola like XD.

So in total for the design and the extra will be 12 USD if is that ok?

4 Replies