
2 years, 5 months ago


-Most likely Ace, hard to pull their attention off themself and most likely even sex-repulsed (absolutely bullies Boo when she decides to be mushy anywhere near them about Jackie)
- Strategy, planning, devising, calculating. Has a knack for solving puzzles. (phone loaded w misc puzzle apps to distract them)
-Hyperfocuses so hard on their interests sometimes they phase the hell out and don't listen to you at all.
- Picked up on a lot of the cleaning habits from their family and gets kinda vicious when things are out of place, they will bite your fingers off if you keep leaving lids unscrewed on the bottles what if they spill.
-Not nurturing, just bossy, wants to lead all the time but begrudgingly hands over the reigns to Boo bc she gets results.
-Cannot wear big clunky shoes and is mad about it all the time. Buys them anyways.
-They originally started wearing big hats to cover their face cause they were easily flustered as a young child, now they think they just look cool. B)
-Their bag is chock full of various supplies but their favorite pocket stashes a lighter and a pushable flint and steel they like to use like a fidget toy. Firecrackers are also in there.
-Kinda hate meat, it's not like they couldn't eat it they just hate the smell and are vocal about it. Look at it it's disgusting like open wounds ew.
-They twitch their whiskers a lot, what secrets do those hold... (it's a weird habit)
-There's a bunch of locks on their bag for no reason, they keep saying it's just for aesthetic but they also 100% remember every combination and keep rearranging them bc they keep unlocking them.
-D is short for Drizzly bc their family loves cute names and pointed at them and said "ooo little storm cloud", Simple sweet and easy to nickname. They removed everything they could about it
-They cut all contact w their family tho after they got sent to "the school", thought about trying to contact them once or twice but they really don't want to deal with the headache and the infantilization by them. Their family has no idea what they do for a living lol.