Ardent Gold



2 years, 5 months ago


Ardent is an eccentric mechanist who's special talent goes hand-in-hand with her passion; Metalworking! She's a mechanist and welder who's passion led her to become thoroughly head over heels for their tinkering lifestyle. So much so she made her own bot daughter!

-Her workspace may seem a little chaotic but it is thoroughly organized in a particular fashion so don't move anything out of place or she'll have to fix it again!

-She's not too afraid of dangerous things, and has stared death in the face a few times. It's somewhat foolhardy and also somewhat just plain intimidating.

-Sometimes she'll get super frantic about a topic, chatting and running quickly at the mouth with a bunch of words that aren't in a typical non-metallurgist's dictionary 

-She absolutely and 100% loves her child

-She dyes her hair, it gets a little white if she doesn't keep up with it.

-Gold is her name within the Agency, Ardent is what her friends call her :)