Kimberly Townshend




Kimberly Townshend
WL1 - Boss Theme ( Remix Genesis )
David's Music

01 — Profile

Name Kimberly Townshend
Nicknames Kim/Kimmy/BetillaM64
Age 28
Gender Female ( She/Her )
Height 2m74
Birthdate 5 April
Race Human
Orientation. Panromantic
Occupation None

Status Alive
Designer BenLeDessinateur
Worth Not Sale
  • Kim has big muscles, so you have to draw them.

  • Kim has a blue lower wick like one of the Game Boy Color

  • Although her former design showed Kim to have gigantic breasts, this is no longer the case.

  • Ear piercing, black lipstick, bracelets, necklaces and rings are not optional (except for pyjamas or swimsuits).

  • Kim is chubby, so don't draw her too thin or too fat.

  • Glasses are also not optional

  • The character must never appear in NSFW works!!

02 — Personality

Kim is a young woman with a bit of a bad temper, she can get angry easily and slap people around, or force them to work out until they're exhausted. Apart from that, she's a trustworthy woman, funny and kind if you don't try to harm her, and always understanding.

Like any self-respecting geek, Kim devours every video game she plays, including watching movies and reading comic books. She has a vast knowledge of geek culture.

On the love side, Kim has discovered that she can be attracted to anyone, however, following a past trauma, she has become asexual. Her generous curves haven't helped her much in this regard, but her asexuality is one way of finding out who's really interested in her.

  • Video Games

  • Her niece

  • Sport

  • Eating

  • Too much sugar

  • Pervert

  • NFT/Cryptobro/AI art

  • Being betrayed

03 — Background


Kim, whose full name is Kimberly Townshend, comes from a French-English family. Her English father married her French mother and they moved to live, initially in northern France. The couple had first Alexander and then, a few years later, Kim.

Kim had a rather quiet childhood, a close bond with her brother and, above all, a high I.Q. (134) from an early age! Inevitably, she attracted the attention of the family, especially the English, who were very aristocratic in this respect. Since she didn't have enough money to pay for higher education, Kim had to make do with basic schooling.

When she started 6th grade, she met Lili, her future best friend, and they quickly developed a close bond. Then Marjolaine in 4th grade, in which Kim was jealous, for fear of losing Lili. After winning a basketball match that gave Kim a taste for sport, the trio humiliated the opposing team, who had previously insulted Kim and Lili.


On reaching 2nd year, the trio found themselves in the same school, but alas, Lili was in a separate class from Kim and Marjolaine, the latter being in the same class. At the same time, Kim's growth caused her breasts to swell beyond normal size. Contradicting her wasp waist, she attracted the attention of many boys. In this class were two former basketball players whom the trio had humiliated in 4th grade, plus a new friend for Kim. Lili turned out to be very suspicious of Kim's new friend, especially as this friend pushed Kim to put Marjolaine aside. Kim and Lili quarreled often, and it all came to a head the day Kim changed into a more vulgar look.

It was then that Kim met her first boyfriend, Pierre. A final argument broke out between Kim and Lili before Kim slapped Lili, leaving a scratch on her left cheek. Later, the masks come off: it was all a trap set by Kim's new friend and former basketball players to make her pay for the humiliation, with everyone laughing at her on social networks. Poor Kim didn't know where to put herself, so she locked herself in her room and stayed there for a long time. Her body disgusted her and she wanted to end it all. Finally, not brave enough to take her own life, she took her revenge in food. Lili had been called by Kim's parents, who dropped in to see her old friend and were horrified to discover Kim's new appearance.

Kim wanted to make amends with Lili and Marjolaine, if Marjolaine felt understanding, Lili took much longer to accept it. Additionally, since Kim has gained a lot of weight, the recent drop in grades due to her traitorous friend means that she has lost the respect of her English family. As time passed, the famous traitors attacked Lili and her asthma. Kim, mad with rage, decided to take her revenge and what better way than to slap the face like Obelix. Since then, Kim has adopted her new character and trains as best she can to lose weight and protect the people she loves.


Kim managed to lose a lot of weight but she's still chubby. She manages, with her video game livestreams, to save enough money to undergo surgery to reduce her breasts. She continues to live happily with her friends, Lili and Marjolaine, as well as her niece.

And who knows, with a future great love?

ImAgInArIuM : The Magical Pen

Kim appears at the "Bar des Esquisses" after defeating the first boss, and gives Ben' the opportunity to create tank-based clones. Her clones have 115 HP and 10 ATK and need 15 Pencils to be created. At the end of the game, when Ben' gets the Magic Brush back, she and the rest of Ben''s OCs wonder where to hide the brush. She also witnesses her creator's appointment to the Imaginarium Secret Service.

ImAgInArIuM II : Colorless

Kim appears when Ben' arrives in Sainte-Marie-Sur-Seine, Kim is chasing a group of Kauchemards who are threatening to attack her niece. When the group comes across Nancy's colorless body, Kim is enraged and wants to fight the game's antagonist, so she decides to come straight to Ben's aid. Throughout, she and her friends will seek to help Ben' on his journey. Kim has 60 HP and 1 ATK and need 25 Pencils to be created.

04 — Trivia

  • The fact that Kim was born in the north is a reference to a friend of mine who is also her voice.

  • In Kim's old design, the excuse for her having such huge breasts was that she suffered from "Hypermastia". But since she lost weights, they deflated.

  • Her nickname in games is "BetillaM64" in reference to my old nickname "RaymanM64".

  • Kim's new design gives her a colored streak, in addition to referring to her niece, the chosen color comes from the color of my Game Boy Color.

  • The "Le C" necklace that she wears is the same necklace that Eris wore in her debut.

  • Although Pierre was her first love and first person she kissed, Kim also later kissed a girl. That’s when she realized she was Pansexual. in the same way that she is also asexual.

  • Kim's color code is very similar to Lemmings. Whose joke is that she is their Queen.

  • Kim has an evil double named "Evil Kim". But no one knows where it comes from.

  • Kim is originally blonde.

05 — Relationships


Lili is Kim's best friend, always there to help her despite everything. Their complicity alone proves that their friendship will have many beautiful years ahead.

Nancy is Kim's niece and Alexander's daughter. No need to explain that Nancy loves her aunt very much and it's reciprocal, Kim values ​​her niece very much and will burst the nose of anyone who dares to hurt her.


Both the creator and best friend of Kim. Not much more to say. Except that she thanks me for giving her a better design.