
Roxie Swyft

Name Roxanne Swyft
Species Jackrabbit
Age 21
Height 5'5
Gender Cis Woman
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation AroAce
Occupation Movie Theater Employee
Template Credit Click Here

Roxie is a film buff and technology lover who works at the local movie theater! She's a huge geek and is fascinated by tech and the future.

She doesn't let her looks fool anyone, Roxie loves to look feminine and pretty but also wants you to know how smart she is. She is a big feminist and part of the local civil rights movements for women.

Design Notes

  • Two yellow lines on sides of eyes
  • Brown on cheeks can be drawn as either face markings or cheek fur
  • Ears have three colors (brown, white, yellow)
  • No pawpads, for most of my characters pawpads are optional but bunnies don't have pawpads so my bunny characters never have them!


  • Roxanne dreams of living in New York City!
  • She collects all things movie related like projectors and historical silent films
  • She never leaves home without perfume
  • Her favorite food is kale chips


Roxanne lives in downtown Loveland in a small apartment. She does her best for minimum wage so she's a bit embarassed about how cramped and messy her place is. She doesn't spend a lot of time home anyways. She loves to be out and about and cares a lot about her town. She moved out when she was 18 to support herself.

Roxanne's parents divorced when she was a teenager which was a huge deal for the 50s, she watched her mother be constantly shamed for leaving her husband. Roxie became very defensive of her mother. Roxie is very logical and like her friend Hedda, wants to be in local government one day to help support rights for women. She wishes her mother never had to feel like a horrible person for leaving a man she didn't love.

If she doesn't end up in local politics though, Roxanne would love to do something further with her love of technology and movies. She is fascinated with the technology behind film and photography and is always excited to see the incredible things humanity creates. Isn't it amazing we created a way to record a moment and watch it back!? People often assume she doesn't know how to work this stuff because she's just a lady, but this is the 60s now and Roxie is a smart capable woman who will not hesitate to fix any of your devices and shove it in your face. She loves to take apart phones, clocks, watches, etc, just to see how they work.



Roy Bickley

Roy is Roxie's best friend. She, Roy, and Polaris are inseperable. Roy used to work at the theater and Roxie has always been there for him to offer him a place if he ever needs the shelter. They care for each other like family.

Polaris Reynolds

Polaris is part of Roxie's trio and like Roy, Roxanne treats Polaris like family. Polaris brings out Roxie's fun side and she loves getting to do wild and silly things with her.

Hedda Lovett

Hedda has been Roxie's friend the longest. They meet together at town rallies and Roxie would do anything to support Hedda's efforts to move the town in good directions. Hedda always encourages Roxanne to dress up and be herself.