Crowpool (Lynx Relationships)



1 year, 6 days ago


Lynx Relationships

Frostsong | Former Mentor | Alive

Deeply respects Frostsong and sees him more or less as a father figure. She appreciates the time he took to help her learn durring her apprenticeship and even now as a warrior. She'll still seek him for advice from time to time

Softwillow | Best Friend | Alive

Softwillow is one of Crowpool's dearest friends. They can be found glued hip to hip when around eachother. She looks to him for comfort and stability when she's not well, and returns the favor to him when he needs it.

Bouldersprout | Bestfriend | Alive

Despite how dumb Bouldersprout may be, he's one of Crowpool's favorite cats. He always knows what to day or do to brighten up the moon, and he can be one of the most protective cats. Crowpool prays that his light never burns out the way it did when Softwillow went missing.

Hawkpaw | Half-Sister | Alive

Crowpool loves Hawkpaw dearly and worries for her younger sister. She knows Hawkpaw means well but can see a darkness taking over, she's consitsantly torn between pushing her sister away for the safety of her kits, and holding her sister close for the safety of Hawkpaw's mental space.

Kestrelkit | Daughter | Alive

One of 4 babies, as she does all her kits, she loves Kestrelkit dearly and worries from time to time about her. Crowpool believes Kestrelkit is doing her best, and tries her best, though sometimes the young cat just worries her.

Badgerkit | Son | Alive

Being her youngest kit, Crowpool holds Badgerkit closely, he worries her the most as he lack independece. For now she doesn't mind his clinginess, but she'll try to push him to be more independent as he gets older.

Shadedrop | Friend | Alive

Shadedrop and Crowpool grew up together amungst Softwillow and Bouldersprout. However Shadedrop was one of the first she-cats in the lot of apprentices to approach Crowpool and become friends with. Crowpool cares for Shadedrop very much and wishes they spent more time together.

Berrybelly | Friend | Alive

Crowpool wouldn't consider herself to be close with Berrybelly, but she is one of the few cats that Crowpool was able to see grow up. Much like the others that are younger than herself, Crowpool tends to see Berrybelly as a younger sister and is trying her best to support her, especially with Berry's unexpected pregnancy.

Tidefall | Friend | Alive

While Tidefall and Crowpool aren't the closest of friends, she does find herself enjoying his company and rather, different set of slang. To Crowpool, the former kittypet offers a fun and refershing point of view and energy.