Archie Paoli



2 years, 5 months ago



AGE 27 years old
GENDER Male - He/Him
HEIGHT 5'0 / 152.4 cm
WEIGHT 60 lb / 27.2 kg
SPECIES Politoed / Aipom
NATURE Bashful

Personality Information


Archie is a very polite young man, being the type to open doors for others and possibly being trapped by a surge of people coming through. He doesn't tend to curse much at all, using nice and interesting replacements like "Oh poo" and "Aw diggles"; he even looks polite with those big, urging eyes and having the tendency to keep his hands clasped together while crouching down. Very Polite.
He doesn't seem like it but Archie makes it a point to be acutely aware of many things in his surroundings. He always makes a note of the time, making sure to have a general estimate of said time when he's not looking at it so he always knows about it; he makes notes of peoples' little quirks and habits, how they react to things, how they think, why. He just likes to know things like this, makes him feel safe. Makes him feel smart.
Archie has a love for science, among other things, but he had made a profession out of chemical reactions specifically. He made a point to be creative with the applications of chemical reactions, which bled into other things in his life. He is a DIY man, magic man, it won't be hard to find him making some funky items and contraptions for his own space. This applies to that strange 'cursing' he has.


This frog doesn't have much of a flair for competitions, doesn't see the point in them, thinks it just brings out the worst in people so he doesn't partake in it at all. He doesn't tend to react much if a competitive atmosphere ignites and acts no different than he usually does, if antagonized for not getting 'the drive' he'd just let the person(s) win, and if it doesn't get better from there he'd just take his leave. This does tend to let him be the 'better person' in dropping things where it goes beyond from having a discussion to being 'right', even when they're wrong. Gives the impression that he's a doormat since he resigns things so easily.
Archie finds great value in memories and what is captured in them. With this importantance, this leads to him liking to hoard insignificant items that remind him of great moments; insignificant items for significant memories. This can be considered very heartwarming to people who hold a place in his life with his efforts to remember and keep trinkets, but this can lead to a bit of hoarding problem, and him getting overwhelmingly upset if something happens to his 'memories'. And while he knows that he's to do his own thing, his feelings get hurt if people forget what he considers important; he knows he shouldn't get hurt, but he can't control his emotions.
It takes a lot for something to get stuck in his mind and wriggle uncomfortably - that aren't his own personal issues - so Archie doesn't really hold himself to too high a standard since it just doesn't matter to him. His appearance doesn't matter much, just his comfort, how he moves about doesn't matter much, just if he's content or having fun with it, you understand? It's not uncommon to find Archie doing some weird acrobats in the middle of the hallway or just find him sitting in a strange place people watching. Unfortunately this means he misses some clues of things that matter to other people, such as dressing nicely for an event/meeting or taking care to do something a specific way - quite hypocritical of him considering his last trait, granted it's not on purpose.


A guilty pleasure Archie has is gossip talk, he loves to hear about what's happening to other people, the juicier the details the better. He knows that, ethically, prying into peoples' personal lives and finding entertainment in their problems is just plain bad. But once his ear hears a twitch of the drama he's just gotta know, the urge to know grips his heart. And then he just has to tell someone else because oh my gosh that was juicy, juicy, ya know? He doesn't start false rumors with this as he makes sure to relay things correctly but airing out others' laundry to as much as the world as he can? Yikes. He thinks part of the problem is he craves the feeling of being intently listened to.
Archie always had a bad habit of losing himself in purgatory for large amounts of times, gaining a thousand yard stare and being relatively still until he slowly comes out of it or someone/something snaps him out of it forcibly. He tends to feel pretty good after these space outs, as if he just came out of meditation, but sometimes he falls into these without realizing it and causes him to lose track of time or accidentally abandon what he was working on and or doing. He's extremely vulnerable like this, making his reaction time absolutely awful from these to the point that something bouncing off him won't be registered until literal moments later.
Archie is a bit of a dreamer, which means he gets some unrealistic wants that he doesn't tend to let go within a respectful amount of time. He wishes this and that even though everyone, including him, knows it'll never happen but he just has trouble letting go. He brings it up often, these wishes of his, which can get annoying and he ends up hurting his own feelings when another day goes by where his wish didn't come true. It's not a healthy habit, these unrealistic standards.


(2) Strength
(5) Dexterity
(4) Constitution
(8) Intelligence
(5) Wisdom
(7) Charisma
(6) Sanity


General Info.

RANK: 0 - Wanderer
OCCUPATION: Unemployed

Battle Info.

TYPING: Normal / Water
ABILITY: Drizzle
Drizzle summons rain in battle as soon as a Pokémon with Drizzle enters the battle.

- Water Pulse
Water Pulse inflicts damage and has a 20% chance of confusing the target.
- Iron Tail
Iron Tail inflicts damage and has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Defense stat by one stage.
- N/A
- N/A

- N/A

- N/A



  • Singing
  • The Moon
  • Being Wet
  • Fireworks
  • Another Man's Trash


  • Sneezing
  • Horror Genre
  • Multi-Level Marketing
  • Extreme Temperatures
  • Being Pushed to do Something He Doesn't Want To


  • - Archie embraces his new body and loves the chirps and trumpets that his new 'vocal cords' are capable of. It's not uncommon to see him hunkered down somewhere chirping and croaking freely or even - in the case that someone was talking to him - between pauses in conversation. It sounds nice and he'll only get better with time.
  • - Being a Politoed has it's negatives though, such as the fact that he has no teeth. Eating is now a brief thing for him as he has to quickly swallow down what he eats rather than being allowed to enjoy his meal. He finds himself paranoid that he might accidentally choke on something he swallows so he ends up cutting much of what he eats into dramatically small pieces.
  • - Another negative is that his skin is quite fragile - along with the rest of his body in general - and the cold or heat can easily have his skin react by cracking or peeling. He has to take care to keep his skin nice and healthy through routines and by constantly making sure he's wet to some degree.




This Person Has Yet to be Met or Remembered.



This Person Has Yet to be Met or Remembered.



This Person Has Yet to be Met or Remembered.

code by 00Ishikawa00