19 leaves's Comments

I'm sorry if this seems odd, but may I have her for free?

Y'see, I'm this character's creator, and they weren't allowed to be sold/traded/etc, without offering them back to me first, as per my tos. (Which arevisible in t he "Ownership" tab)

I'd like them back please.

(I'd also like to reclaim https://toyhou.se/14102733.31-leaves and https://toyhou.se/14102676.31-leaves)

Ok, I'll have to check wth the person who donated these and subtract from their balance.

ty ^^

I was wondering if I was allowed them back yet?

I really connected with these characters and I just want them back.

Hello. I'm not going to send them back yet because the person who donated these claims these were payment for ocs that belonged to their friend, which has unfortunately passed away. They would be willing to give these back if you gave them their friend's ocs. 

Hello again. Can you tell me your expirence?

With what?

the situation surrounding these designs?