


2 years, 5 months ago




Bitchy. Conceited. affectionate




Yukiharu (dragon)

H: 5'5" D: 18+ft

Tribe Leader

Blanche is the queen of the ice tribe. She is full of herself and thinks her tribe is the best. She takes deep care of the dragons that are in her tribe, yet is extremely territorial and predatory to other tribes. She's cold and doesn't care, unless you're an ice dragon yourself.

Despite her cold demeanor, her protection is her best trait. If she loves you, you will always have a destructive bodyguard by your side. She's snooty but has respect for others if they don't fuck with her. She's also a very caring mom.

 WAIT! I need to fix my hair first, it's too windy! 

  • Herself
  • Beauty products
  • Her children
  • Coffee
  • Warm climate
  • Other tribes
  • Sweets
  • People who don't spoil her

Blanche is an ice were-dragon that stands at about 18 ft long and about 10 ft tall. She has a humanoid form as well, hence her title of "were-dragon", that is much smaller. She's antisocial and stuck up, protective and conceited. However, she wasn't always like this. Her childhood years were rather different, but her experiences in life growing up changed her forever. Her intense hatred for the fire tribe stems from multiple occasions, and isn't only because they're opposites. Read more below.


Blanche was born among 5 other brothers by mother Arthesia and father Sartorus. She was a rather playful dragonling, finding a lot of time in her early years to gently wrestle with her siblings or run around their den. As she grew up her mother, however, did not like her playfulness. Once she reached the age of maturity and still had that playful outlook on life, her mother took her under her wing and taught her "how to be lady-like". She would puff out her chest, teach her what growls to use, what to do and say to people who messed with her, etc. She didn't much enjoy the training, but after an awful session, this training stuck with her. Once while the two ladies were out, Sar went flying with three of his boys. They ended up getting in a fatal battle with some fire dragons and didn't return home. When another son found them and came back to tell Arthesia, she immediately fell into a raging depression, mortified and frustrated that she wasn't there to stop him. She believed if Blanche would only learn a bit quicker, she wouldn't have to train her, and in turn her father wouldn't be dead. Arthesia went into a drinking spiral, completely neglecting her children and leaving Blanche on her own at 13 with the thought that she killed her father. Blanche was starved, striving for food and shelter, and for years had to live wherever she could find the room to. She eventually moved in with one of her brothers, until her mom passed away. In a drunken rage, her mother took one of her son's life and then took her own. She would've taken her last son's life as well if she knew where he was, but by the time she was caught killing him, she was already gone. Arthesia didn't believe a man should rule over her kingdom, so her will left the kingdom to Blanche. That's also the reason why she killed her son, wishing she could take both of their lives to start anew for Blanche. With only one brother left, Blanche started ruling the kingdom at age 40, which is extremely young in dragon years. She's gained experience as a queen ever since, but the trauma still rakes at her brain today. In her 1000s, her last brother decided to take his own life, leaving her to be the last one in her whole family alive. She's extremely good at masking, but her cold personality is mostly if not completely linked to her trauma. She isolates herself in hopes that she wont meet a lover just to see them die (this also links into why she cannot keep a lover). She fears living the same life as her mother.

Current life

Currently, she lives in her own biome with her people. Her population includes at least 300 were-dragons of all different blizzard-y species, She lives in a medium sized ice castle with her two sons, her servant, and a few of her best body guards. She likes to have a lot of time on her own, perhaps spending too much time on her own, but she's an extremely good mother. She's afraid to neglect her kids and actually kind of spoils them because of how she was treated. Her sons get whatever they want, and mom is very clear on that. One of her son's is 6 and another is 10. Most of the time they're inseparable, and they normally hunt and fish together with the accompany of a guard. Blanche spends a lot of time caring for herself and her sons rather than others. Even though she's ruled for thousands of years, she's still learning to rule. She's set up an intense protective system, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she has trouble ruling her kingdom herself. She leaves the dirty work to other people because she doesn't know how to deal with it. She keeps a close eye on the fire and storm tribes, having the most hatred both of them. When she was going to have her sons she was expecting 8 eggs, but while she was out one time just on a quick run to find food, she came back to two remaining eggs and some thieving fire dragons stealing the rest to eat. This just fueled her undeniable hatred for fire dragons more. Otherwise, to be completely honest, she just thinks Jrew is an asshole because he causes snowstorms in her area. Her hatred fuels her tribe, and very sadly is one of the biggest things that makes her lead the way she does.

  • She spends a lot of her time marching around her territory, and has hundreds of dragons keeping eye 24/7. She is extremely violent.
  • She has 2 kids, both are of young age, and she is like a mother bear... don't touch them mfin kids bro.
  • She can never seem to keep a relationship, meaning her kids currently don't have a father figure. She is her own daddy and she loves that.
  • She spends about 2 hours every morning picking an outfit, doing her makeup, and more just so she looks presentable. Even if she doesn't go out anywhere.




Blanche hates her GUTS only because of her tribe. She hates how warm she is, hates the fire dragons that try to destroy her land, hates everything about her. But who knows... maybe that'll change!



She hates the unorderly fashion and clumsiness she has. She doesn't like that she is willing to get messy. She honestly doesn't like much of anybody, and that includes Fufu.



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