Solomon Alba



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Shirone Uiiba




Gambler, part time drummer, arborial aesthetician for the rich and famous, city parks tree specialist.


Lightmore Parks Management, Uiiba Fabrics, the Artistans Collective

Known For

His smile, growing and selling vegetables in an area where it's difficult to get them, failed corrective implants that leave him with an eerie voice, 'low-class' speech pattern, talking to trees, being wild on the drums

Clothing Style

Colourful shirts, black skinny jeans. Wears a choker all the time to hold his implant in place.

Colour Language

Red, yellow, dark and warm tones.


  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity: Yamato Japanese
  • Gender: Male (Trans)
  • Sexuality: Gay
  • Pronouns: He/Him/Darling
  • Eyes: Stark green.
  • Hair: Tomato red, curly. 
  • Skin tone: Medium dark.
  • Body type: Short, thick, muscular.
  • Special features: Scaring over right eyebrow, neck. Audio device in front of throat.

**Personality:** cheerful and easy going. someone who likes things neat and tidy. prone to vice. the sort of person who assures you everything will be fine, while ignoring final notices. Absolutely down to help someone out, even if it causes trouble later.

**Skills:** climbing, playing dice, plant care, martial arts, interacting with children, sewing, drumming, growl-singing

**Backstory:** 20 years ago Solomon walked into the parks department and was given a job that day. He moved into an apartment on the upper southwest block purchased by an anonymous buyer that same day. He sold it a few months later to move to a more 'rustic' area. Ever since, he’s made and lost enough money to make even a top floor turn white. Having racked up quite the debt to multiple gangs, he tries to pay it back. He's sure there's a big win soon. 

He's a man who has made no impact, other than to help a few pub bands out when they were short a drummer and to give the nice auntie on the corner as much cabbage as she could want. Not much is known of Solomon before he appeared. 

Shirone Uiiba was a member of the band Backwards Dreams before it was 'disbanded' by the love of her life. She suffered a great deal of brain damage and facial disfigurement in the attack, and while her parents were willing to help her recover, they couldn't help but be confused by her request to hide as a man, under the name of a fellow bandmate at that.