Comet's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

ghostpvppy Global Rules


-if you repost anything, link back to my toyhouse or deviantart

-you can trace for practice as long as you ask for permission and don't post it anywhere

-you can add gifts/personal stuff to worth logs, you put time and effort into it so idm as long as you don't go crazy with it, personally I only add comms and personal art to mine

-dont ever directly edit my art, base fill designs, etc. it bothers me a lot and if I catch you doing this you'll get a warning.


-dont directly edit base art

-you can sell trades, just read my comm prices/ask me

-dont claim as your own

-dont redesign them, one or two things are okay but big stuff bothers me a lot ;_;

-just don't be weird idk


-DweamyBean - a lot of stuff that I don't wanna link rn rip

-707-or-Seven - mass claimer with 1k+ characters, not sure if they did anything bad but just don't sell my designs to them

graylist/blocklist (generally makes me uncomfortable, would prefer if my designs didn't go to them)


