
8 years, 10 months ago




Obtained: Created by me
Status: Active; Main
Worth: $999
Notes: He is very small for a krogan, and his hump is not very big. He still is taller than most humans. 

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Noivurn


small • meek • dependable
NameToadVerseMass Effect
AgeYoung AdultBirthdate
GenderMale (he/him)OrientationBiromantic Asexual
RelationshipDating RiddickFace ClaimN/A
AlignmentLawful Neutral/Neutral Good MBTIISFJ-T

Toad is incredibly timid and soft-spoken. Anxious and afraid of just about everything, he has very low self-esteem/self-worth, and is generally just trying to make it through the day. He’s not very social, but he’s not at all aggressive or mean. He's a very loyal and devoted worker, and tries to be as helpful as possible to everyone he meets, though he tends to think he’s just getting in the way.

Strengths: Diligence, loyalty, and patience. Smarter and better and stronger than he believes.

Weaknesses: Small stature, no weapons training, timid and shy; suffers from PTSD and severe anxiety (general and social).

Toad was born in the small krogan clan Khel, to the fertile Khel Raigh. She was elated when she first bore her son; she believed that he would be her legacy and bring her glory. However, he was smaller than the average newborn krogan, and he didn’t grow as quickly as they tended to. At first, Raigh believed that he would grow, but it became apparent fairly soon that he would never be as big as a healthy krogan should be.

Once Raigh finally accepted that, she became harsh towards her son. She would force him into fights with much, much older krogan, give him tasks she knew he would not be able to accomplish, refuse him food; she treated him harshly even by krogan standards.

When it was announced that an envoy from one of the male Clans was scheduled to visit the tiny clan of Khel again, Raigh decided that Toad would not hold her back from spawning her true legacy. She cast him out of Khel; and said the only reason that she didn’t dispose of him herself was because he wasn’t worth killing. Sure that he wouldn’t survive in Tuchanka’s wilderness for long, Raigh prepared for the male envoy.

Toad, despite having very little regard for himself, wanted to survive. He wanted to get off of Tuchanka and live, away from Raigh and away from the majority of the krogan- for he was hardly krogan.

It was incredibly hard for the tiny, young krogan to fend for himself in the badlands of Tuchanka. He lived almost completely off of insects; occasionally he could catch a pyjak or some marine life, or was lucky enough to come across carrion. He still doesn’t know how he managed to survive as long as he did. (He has no idea how long, exactly, that was; he wasn’t sure what galactic year he was born nor exactly how much time had passed while he was struggling for survival.)

He wanted off of Tuchanka more than anything- even if he died in a foreign hospital, or was forced into slavery, he didn’t care- all he wanted to be was away. As luck had it, a trading ship happened to come to Tuchanka in an attempt to do some repairs; they were chased away from most of the Clans due to not only being aliens, but being owned by a turian. They landed in a barren, clanless valley, and were stumbled upon by the tiniest, most sickly krogan they had ever seen.

The pitiful krogan offered to work as a slave, anything to get off of his planet- and Nazeer, the owner, welcomed him aboard free of charge. He couldn’t just leave him there. Toad returned with them to the Citadel, and was employed officially with Nazeer. He remained there contently for many years, eventually becoming one of Nazeer’s best and most trusted employees in his modest trading warehouse in the wards.