
worth total = 95$ please keep that in mind



Realist • Assertive • Intelligent

 Name echoingblow
 Called echo
 Gender nonbinary (they/xe/he)
 Age 30 moons
 Height n/a
 species cat
 Role warrior
 Demeanor standoffish when alone.
 HTML Eggy

Echo is a realist, he says things as they are and doesn't sugar-coat most of anything. He is also a survivalist and can make do in almost any conditions. They are very assertive and won't stand-by and watch something happen that xe do not approve of. Though don't think these qualities make him any less friendly than the next guy. As seen before they are smart and highly intelligent. They often stay silent when in big groups or with cats unfamiliar and can be seen as stand-offish but once alone with someone he truly trusts it seems his personality turns upside down.



The coldRunning/ExerciseAdviceMaking friends


WaterBeing hotPicking sidesHis brother
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echoing x coldstar canon.


see the link above i'll fill these out later.

43858464_Xw5IHJlLSEOYdck.png Despises picking sides, if lines are drawn they'll draw their own line and wont pick a side.Hates being ignored or forgotten !! He's not the jealous type but if you forget about them they'll literally cry; being left out tooHe really wishes that one day his brother will return like a lot. Though they have too many connections where xe are to just get up and look for him.His parents are alive, but you'll never see him even mention them once.They suck shit at making friends and trusting them as he never really learned how to do either of those things.



EchoingBlow has a deep admiration for Coldstar, he seeks to do right by the leaders needs and wants. In other words EchoingBlow has a crush on Coldstar. The feelings are returned but they are yet to act on it due to them being swept up in other dilemmas.




EchoingBlow's bestfriend in the entire world! Even though sometimes they have their faults and kinks in their relationship at the end of the day Echoing would do anything for the she..




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