☆ Vin



2 years, 4 months ago


Nothing like SMG themed designs making me excited c': here's a description I wrote up!

Hi! I'm Raccoony and I like writing descriptions on most days! Today I feel like doing so, so I shall.
Here are some notes on this guy:


A self-proclaimed royal that divulged themselves a little too much. Created under the watchful eye of stars that apparently held consciousness, they were cast out to explore the galaxies on their own, but this had the opposite effect: spoiled with power, they went on to dominate countless planets and civilizations through sheer force of... nothing?

They claim to be the savior of the galaxies they pass through, granting bits of magic to each that merely acted to improve quality of life slightly, such as healing some person's permanently disfigured flowerbed. Eventually, they are given a chance at heroism when Rio bursts through The Gateway trying to save his girlfriend at the cost of the world around him.

- Tiny galaxies revolve around them
- Till they can grow their powers to host major cosmic entities, the only things that reside upon their tiny worlds are deliberately shrunken little critters displaced by Rio
- Guilty pleasure is worldly commodities, such as the sour gummy worms Rio brought with him (and promptly scattered everywhere)