


2 years, 5 months ago






Cis Man



"Well howdy stranger!"

The friendly, father of one good-natured country man of Everdale. His ranch started humble when he emigrated from another kingdom but has grown to be quite lare, housing cattle, chickens, equine, berries, fruits, and some vegetables. It is also known for its various jams, which is sold in markets and the local farmers market. His charitable nature has lead to employing people that need, and offering temporary residence to travelers and the needy in shacks he built himself on the edge of his property.


Arguably the textbook definition of an extrovert, with friendliness to spare. A genuinely good man, always wearing a smile and carrying an upbeat attitude no matter what is thrown his way-His mama aint raise no sourpuss! His own troubles in life have lead him to do his best to help others, he's in a place where he's thriving so helping others get a leg up in life has become his true passion above even his farmwork(which he is wildly passionate about.) Being able to make someone smile, get through another day, or put dinner on their table is how he sleeps easy at night. He'll take the burden of the worlds troubles on his shoulders, sit with any crying stranger, but he has trouble expressing his own pain especially when he needs help. Especially in regards to his past, Waheela closes up even to those he considers close to him, and prying only makes him clam up more. He represses instead of expressing, which has lead to alot of out of touch uncontrolled internal trauma thats very much so an unatended wound.

  • Ranch is named after his mother; "Nahanni Ranch"
  • Has a killer sweet-tooth
  • Does terribly in the cold, keep this man warm
  • Most of his jam flavours are inspired by his daughter, Amarok
  • Very handy, can build or fix most things, but isn't so crafty/artistic

(CW; Death, murder, vandilism, alluded torture, gang violence. I will expand on this at some point but heres a glance lol) Born in the dark kingdom to a single mother running a humble farm, trying to keep food on the table. Growing up poor and miserable, but watching his mother smile through it all and keep him well-fed and cared for inspired him into the man he is to this day. She was resolute and kindly despite the clear tiredness in her eyes, and Waheela swore he's grow up to make her proud. He fell in love with his best friend in his teens, and by the time his girlfriend and he were 20 they were expecting, and got wed immediately. Shortly after their first son was born, his mother fell ill. She succumbed to the sickness, and Waheela learned of the true cause for the wrinkles in his mothers eyes. His father was a deadbeat gang member, a man in the very same gang that had slowly been expanding what it claimed to be its territory. The mightyena himself showed up to tell him everything, and insist that Waheela's land was now theirs unless he pay a hefty monthly 'fee' as his mother had been for years. Being young, having his world rocked, and a tad stupid-he outright refused. He continued to ignore their warnings, even when they stretched to vandilism, the slaughtering of his livestock, etc. He finally took them seriously when he came home from the market to find his son crying and his wife black and blue-With a knife to her throat. They left him alone for the most part, in comparison to how they treated his family, who he watched die in front of him.They probably only wounded him at all because of how hard he fought. Bleeding, bruised, angry and heartbroken, Waheela flees the kingdom and seeking shelter in the much safer area of Everdale.

Everdale Living

Putting the pieces together after... Everything, was difficult beyond words. For a while, Waheela could barely take odd jobs in the city, wandering between places trying to find a purpose. It was only in his suffering that he realized what he had to do. His mother smiled through all that pain, giratina be damned he could too. He joined an initiative to cultivate more farmland, and began expanding his humble berry fields into a full blown ranch over the years. Using his moms jam recipes, he quickly gained a local reputation as "The Jam Man." In his late 30's, he was housing a young expecting couple. The husband worked the farm, and both were welcome at his dinner table, staying in one of his shacks until they could move on... However, the night their daughter was born, they dissapeared. Leaving the unnamed child on Waheela's doorstep knowing he would care for the child, or make sure someone would. Holding the small bundle in his arms, he knew, this was his kid now. His hands shook for days, reliving fatherhood and remembering what was taken. But ultimately he pulled through, and became an amazing father for his little Amarok. In current days Waheela is still a ranch man, but oh? He got himself a boyfriend.


Simply adored! Allen is very loved, completely and utterly, feral jam behaviors and all. They could do anything at all together and he would treasure every single second of it. Allen makes him want to jump up and proclaim his affections for the world to hear. Waheela honestly wasn't expecting to ever find someone he could love again, but Allen made it so, so easy.


A friend of Allens is a friend of Waheela's! Though he's grown rather fond of the fancy bugger himself, as an extrovert its his sworn duty to adopt all the introverts. He quite enjoys their time together, Saewald is very peaceful company. Though sometimes he uses the strangest words Waheela couldn't even hope to comprehend, when did english get so complex anyways?


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